Saturday, November 25, 2023


We have enough groceries in this house so my grocery trip this week was really short and I still forgot the milk.  I must have been concentrating on getting gas in the vehicle and a wash and then over to one of the parks to get a few photos.

The Christmas tree is on Main Street...Black Friday shoppers were out so there was no place to park.  It doesn't help that the tree and the fence that surrounds it takes up at least four parking spots.  I am not sure what trinkets people were buying...the only store I frequent on Main Street is the five and dime store where nothing is a nickel or a dime.

Far Guys infusion took a bit longer this week.  A pump problem.  

The light posts at the park are all decorated and the geese flew South.  I had a nice walk through the park looking at all the sculptures.  No one else was tourists!   It was  26 F or -3 C eh.

The river is frozen.  It was a very nice November while it lasted.

Far Side



  1. I try to avoid all the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas when it comes to shopping, especially the day and weekend immediately following Thanksgiving. This year, we spent Black Friday sitting downstairs in front of our fireplace reading and napping all day. I can't think of a finer way to spend it!

  2. It looks beautiful. I was out and about yesterday morning and town was deserted until after my CrossFit class. Then it looked like a very long stream of vehicles just coming into town.

    There seemed to be a lot more shopping at the small stores than at Walmart which is a nice thing to see.

  3. That's a big tree. Lots of Black Friday shoppers here too, myself included. There are some decent prices on some items but one has to search to find them. I'm just not that patient.

  4. I sure like that last photo. And sorry to hear that FG had problems again with his infusion.

  5. The tree will be beautiful when lit. I think our warm November is over too. Grey skies and snow flurries predicted today. I'm still trying to warm up from the walk at the zoo yesterday! :-)
    I hope you two have a wonderful Saturday!
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. I was going to shop online, but decided I was really shopping for me and that is unnecessary. Our town is having day long festivities today and lighting the tree tonight. My daughter and I are taking her kids just in time for tree lighting and coming home. We like to go up on a week when we are the only ones on the sidewalk and walk both sides of Main Street admiring the store windows. We have decided we are not "people people".

  7. It was a very mild November indeed. it has to return to normal sometime. And it has :)

  8. I forgot that it was Black Friday but I was only going to the grocery store so it didn't affect me at all.
    The lamp post with a pretty wreath looks great. I have a miniature lamp post and a tiny wreath. I'll see if I can hang it on the lamp post. Might look festive in front of the doll house.

  9. The cold weather has returned with gusto.
    The town looks very festive. :)

  10. I do not like crowds and try to avoid them by not going to the shops unless I really have to

  11. A quiet walk in the park sounds wonderful. I want to be there in that last photo.
    I don't do Black Friday, or Saturday, shopping but more power to those who think it's fun.

  12. The river is froze over…that’s amazing to be. I don’t envy your weather.

  13. Thanks for the pictures. I was a very nice November until just recently when it turned cold. We are starting to put up Christmas decorations....slowly but surely. I'm sure you'll be heading to your winter home soon. I'd love to have a place like that to go for a few months. You are blessed! Stay warm!

  14. Things have dropped just below freezing here. The colder days are definitely upon us

  15. I had a short list the other day as well...and forgot the most important thing, toilet paper (!)

  16. I saw the Main Street tree tonight all lit up. I have been watching the ice on the lake each time I go to town.


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