Friday, November 3, 2023

November Book Club and updates

 Yesterday I had book club.  We read The Alice Network. 

I gave it an eight.  Most of the other gals rated it higher and only one lower than me...a seven. One of the gals read it before so she read it again...I cannot see me repeating it...ever. 

Far Guys infusion went well, he enjoys the time spent with two of his favorite nurses. 

From Far Guy " I have a hole in my head for nothin."  His biopsy came back as sun damage to aging skin.  Good news if you ask me! 

Beth made her first outing yesterday, she and Baxter and my baby brother came over in the afternoon.  Beth is still recovering.

Far Side


  1. I'm having trouble reading books at all. And if I am not fully into a book I just don't finish it. That doesn't work well for belonging to a book club! :) I'm glad Far Guy's hole in his head wasn't more scary!

  2. Glad your SIL is recovering. UTI’s can cause many complications. My mother has them frequently. Can cause mental confusion as well. Love reading your daily blog even though I seldom comment. RHill, TX

  3. Funny comment about the hole in the head. Well, there you go, my mom always asked if I had a hole in my head where my smarts leaked out.

    Good news that Beth is recovering.

  4. Glad Far Guy’s head came up empty! Lol

  5. Great to hear that FG's biopsy came back clear. Better safe than sorry.
    I'm happy too, that Beth was able to get out of the house and is continuing on her road to recovery. Wishing her all the best.

  6. I read that book last winter, and I think I would give it a 7 or 8 as well. I do reread books quite often, but like you this one probably won't be one to reread. It was OK, but not my favorite.

    Glad your SIL is making progress, and especially that FG got good news on that skin biopsy.

  7. Good to know Beth is recovering well. I can imagine how overjoyed Baxter was to see her ❤ GM

  8. Glad FarGuy's biopsy was negative. Hurray!
    And so glad Beth is home recovering. :)

  9. So a decent book but not a great book I have read a few of those

  10. I bet Baxter was so glad to see Beth. They have so many insecurities when things like routine are disturb. On of the closest caregiver being gone is so hard on a dog. I am glad she is better and I am sure she was glad to be home with Baxter.

  11. I think this is why I don't join a book club. I have reached the age where I pick what I read. And I am grateful for the little libraries that have sprung up in our town so that I can drop off those unfinished or once and done volumes.

    Good news on the Guy and continued wishes for healing for Beth.

  12. I'm glad Far Guys hole in the head was nothing serious. Also, it was wonderful that Beth felt well enough to visit. I can only imagine Baxter's excitement when he saw Mom again. Zoey acts like I've been gone for a year when I go check mail!
    Dennis's surgery yesterday went well although they had a lot of trouble waking him up. They used a different anesthesia this time for some reason and it was a bit scary.
    I saw a weather report tonight that said Minnesota is supposed to get much less snow than usual this year. Hope that's true for you.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. I have yet to be to a dermatologist, but I am getting to the age where I probably should. I just don't like the idea of someone inspecting every square inch of my body!

  14. I'm reading through several books by an author called Barbara Kingsolver. They are excellent. I will have to find another author after I finish all of her books.



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