Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Another Fall day

 Yesterday I mulched leaves in the neighborhood.  It is getting a tad cool to be out and about on the mower in my Summer mowing clothing.  My other baby brother has more leaves left on his trees than we do.   He has more of a variety of trees than we do....Birch, Popple and Red Oak.

I worked on Christmas Cards in the morning and did some household "stuff."

Flowers in town last Summer. 

We had was 25 F and the ground was white with frost.

Far Side


  1. Wow, that is a killing frost for sure!

    That photo is gorgeous. I'll miss the colors of all the flowers, but fall is here and winter is around the corner.

  2. Fall is well underway here too. The first tree on the block to change color has lost all of it's leaves.
    No more frost yet, and none in this week's forecast.

  3. Frost is still ahead for us. It's eerily warm, in the mid-fifties overnight. :-)

  4. It’s hard for me to imagine your 25 degrees in October. It was 84 here yesterday afternoon. This morning it’s 62. I’m ashamed to say I only send Christmas cards when I get one and it’s out of guilt.

  5. Lots of people here have been covering up their outdoor plants the last few nights in a desperate attempt to keep everything going. I'm more accepting of the fact that it's mid-October. Fall is here and winter will be on it's way soon.

  6. We haven't been that cold yet! I'm going to mow this afternoon, but not in summer mowing clothes.

  7. Brrr! I had to start a fire this morning. Sigh

  8. I'm shocked my petunias are still doing okay. Been cold here, too, at night with several freeze and frost warnings already. You won't have to mulch for much longer, that's for sure! :)

  9. With that heavy frost on the ground you'll be even more inspired to work on Christmas cards. There are, after all, only 75 more days until the 25th.

  10. Wow. First frost! I am still picking flowers from my garden, but the chilly rain will soon put an end to them.

  11. We (New York State) haven't had our first frost yet, but we know it is coming. 25 - brrr. Soon, it will feel warm.

  12. Lovely photo, a tad cool here this morning had to go and change from shorts into long pants till it starts to warm up a bit

  13. That is a good freeze. We are going to have lots of wind for a few days and maybe a light rain.

  14. That's what is known as a killing frost!

  15. Oh oh.....better put on your Fall mowing clothes!!! Love the flowers from town last summer. You're a bit colder at night than we are...but we lost our huge impatiens plant. Mum still going strong!

  16. Yep Frost! Now I can clean up the rest of the garden and the flower pots. I am happy it warmed back up so I have time to get some things covered before the snow.

  17. Well, goodbye Fall for you. We are just starting.


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