Saturday, September 9, 2023

Book Club: September

 We had book club on Thursday.  I like it because it is virtual, I don't have to go anyplace. 

We read two books by a fellow who lives in Minnesota.  William Kent Krueger.  There are 19 books in this series.   So far I have read #1, #2 and #11 ( read it out of order).  With #3 waiting in the wings.   The book club has decided not to continue with the series...two of the gals didn't really care for the books and another gal has read them all. 

I gave the books an 8 out of 10.  I like books set in Minnesota and the author describes the scenery perfectly.

Far Side


  1. I do like books that ae somewhat local like that. I'll have to look that author up since I am a little familiar with MN.
    Last year I read a book about where I spent many of my childhood summers and it took place during WWII. It was fun to compare the discussions and experiences my grandfather had with the German Prisoner of War camp that was located near Milltown and how the German prisoners could be hired to work on farms.

  2. I so agree. With COVID rising, as well as other respiratory infections, I am happier at home.

  3. I think virtual book club is a great idea. Our group meets for dinner, which is nice, but I find it is more about the meal and visiting than about the book. Oh well, it gets me out of the house and among real people every 6 weeks or so.

  4. I have read all of the William Kent Kruger books. Some I liked better than others. I met him a couple years ago when he spoke at our library. I live in Ypsilanti Michigan. I also reading your blog every morning.

  5. I've read all of WKK's books. But I do like his genre, although I never go to movies with that type of story. He has a couple of stand alone books that I really enjoyed too - Ordinary Grace and This Tender Land.

  6. I recently read his book "Ordinary Grace." It was just OK. Not a favorite.
    Have a great weekend!

  7. We read Ordinary Grace a while ago and I really liked it!

  8. Thanks for mentioning this author in an earlier post! I read the one you'd talked about (Northwest Angle) and have now finished #1, #2, and #3. Just found another one at a garage sale. I really enjoy his writing.

  9. I’ve enjoyed the Krueger books I’ve read and have more on hold at the library. I also enjoy C.J. Box and Paul Doiron’s writing.

  10. It is always fun to read authors for the home state.

  11. I loved Ordinary Grace and This Tender Land, but probably won't do the series. I just read stand alones.

  12. You could always read the rest of the series on your own, and then reflect with your blog club readers :)

    I am mid-way through "No Two Persons". Harder to stay connected with it then her first book that is one of my fav's. This one reads more like short stories. With one common factor. However, I think in the end the stories will tie together even more. Guess they can't all be 10's.

  13. We both have read and enjoyed the books by William Kent Kreuger. I should check and see if there are any new ones we haven't read. Virtual Book Club would be my thing too.

  14. I have read Ordinary Grace and liked it.

  15. I like books from the upper Midwest and Minnesota in particular being my home state in heart and mind. ;)

  16. I imagine it is quite satisfying to be able to identify places that you are reading about. I'm inclined to jump up and down in my chair while watching a movie when I recognise a place I have visited :) xx

  17. I have nothing to read. When you don’t read fiction, your choices are few. Glad you will have a supply of books to read.

  18. I have read quite a few series of books by one author. It's easy when you have your next book always picked for you. I'm taking a break from series books now. I am currently reading "The Overstory", a 2019 Pulitzer Prize winner set in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, where I live.

  19. I've never been part of a book club, virtual or in person. And I was just telling some friends who are in one that just last week when they were off to theirs.... I still didn't get invited. I guess that's okay. 😊

  20. I discovered William Kent Krueger about a year ago and read his first four books in the series. I had planned to read them all, but then went into the hospital with blood poisoning....and when I came out, I decided not to read any more. There was something in each one that was just too scary for me. He is such a good writer that the scenes can stay with you for a long time after you read them. I'm better off reading the Mitford books and the Miss Read books! Happy Reading to you all, whichever kind of book you like.

  21. One more thing.....I did like the information about the Indians in Minnesota in WKK's books....also the descriptions of the lakes and forests, etc.

  22. thecrazysheeplady, No I will look her up!

  23. I must try that author. We spent a good chunk of our vacation this year just over the border in Canada. I loved that part of the world.

  24. I like books that take place in the midwest just feels like home. When I get homesick I pull out my old Midwest Living!


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