Monday, September 25, 2023

Back at home

 The leaves are changing colors and falling. 

I have mulched the leaves three times will be close to ten times by the time they are all down out of the trees.   Far Guy put brand new mulching blades on my mower for me.

I got home from the craft retreat unpacked most everything and settled on the couch for a three hour nap.  Far Guy and I enjoyed seeing the colorful trees along the way home, he picked me up at retreat and brought me home.

We got three inches of rain here at home...a very welcome three inches!  Just two miles from us they got over 4 inches of rain.

I am having another RA flare or Chronic Lymes flare...something causing me more pain and exhaustion. Such is life.

Far Side


  1. Oh no on the flair up. That stinks.
    It sounds like it was a great time at your retreat.

    I told my son to enjoy the drive when he comes tomorrow as our hillsides are just bursting with color. It won't be long and the leaves will all drop!

    Hope you get to feeling better soon.

  2. I hope you feel better soon. We love country drives during this season too. Hooray for rain!

  3. Oh! I am so sorry. Colder weather and 'turns' in the weather always causes misery. Hugs to you, Connie

  4. Four inches of rain will go a long way to bringing back soil moisture levels

  5. Looks like your fall colour is about a week or two ahead of ours. The weather has been perfect so far though.

    I hope you're feeling better soon

  6. Oh, Connie, I'm sorry about your flare. Life can get pretty difficult at times can't it. After three weeks of whatever bug I picked up in London I'm finally feeling better but still coughing and drippy nose. The tiredness has pretty much gone though.
    I'm glad you got some rain. We had quite a lot on Saturday and it was very welcome too. Take care and get some good rest my friend. There's no place like home.

  7. That big rain was a blessing. We have had drizzle, better than none.

  8. My sympathy to you. Pain and fatigue knocks one down. It's good you got the retreat in before the flareup. We got 4" over two days, it's wonderful.

  9. Oh I'm sorry to hear about the flare-up. Hope it resolves quickly.
    No rain here though I sure wish it would.

  10. So sorry to hear about your flair up. Did they give you anything for pain? It's good Far Guy drove you and picked you up. I find driving makes me stiff if I have to go very far. I probably grip the steering wheel to tight also but my leg gets tired too.
    I hope you enjoyed your retreat. It sure sounded like fun. Was it at Jen's retreat place?
    Glad you got some rain! We've had a nice wet summer and fall so far and the colors are starting to change.
    I hope you feel better!

  11. I hope your flare up is a short one. Take care

  12. Sorry to hear about your flare up... hope it doesn't last long.

  13. Checking in fir a quick catch up. Loved the red lacy card.

  14. I have been struggling with my blood numbers. It just changes even though I haven't changed my diet. It messes with my stamina and i rest between tasks and in the middle of tasks. I hope your rest periods can resolve some of the flair ups.

  15. I get flare ups just from doing stuff...but if it is fun stuff (like your craft retreat) then I would count it as so worth it. Mulching would do it, too. Not as fun--lol! :) Rest up. Hope you feel better soon.

  16. Sorry about the health issues. The rainy weather, although welcome, can make any joint ailment flare up, at least it does for me. We got rain too but I'm not sure how much. Wind is in our forecast.

  17. So sorry to hear about your flare-ups. Sounds so very painful.
    Glad to hear about your's been needed all summer here.
    I'm glad you can lay down take naps....they're so good for you.
    Take good care....both of you.

  18. I'm so sorry to hear of your flare-up, and hope that pain goes away quickly this time. Take good care of yourself and keep letting those naps happen when needed.

    We got a bit over 2" of much needed rain here.

  19. Leaves still hanging on here but doubt for much longer! Sherry in MT

  20. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about another flare up. It's so hard to live with pain, and even harder when you don't know exactly what the cause is or how to relieve it.


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