Monday, August 21, 2023


 We went out for lupper date.   Lunch and supper all rolled into one.  We drove over to our favorite Mexican place and dined out on the was a tad chilly but we survived.  Our high on Sunday was 65 F or 17 C and a bit breezy. 

We listened to church in the morning...there is a new associate Pastor.  His sermon was about faith. 

I have faith that God will forgive me for fast forwarding through the songs to concentrate on the sermon!

Far Guy is a trooper he listens to the whole Church service. 

White Coneflower. 

Far Side


  1. That “bit chilly” sounds wonderful. Over 100 again today. At least my mowing is done and maybe Walmart can fix my glasses. I get mine there like you.

  2. A lot of my fellow parishioners watch our service on youtube. Guess we are just all getting older. Yes, I think God will forgive you.

  3. I don't think I've ever seen a white cone flower. That is really unique.

    I'm eyeing a few spots where I think I'll put some of these beauties.

    Thanks for the wonderful idea.

  4. My comments keep going away. But I don't blame you one bit for going right for the message!

  5. The white coneflower is lovely, but I think I prefer the purple.

    We're currently at 13C(55F) at the moment. I was out to water the containers this morning, as the forecast of rain didn't occur. It's definitely much cooler than it has been but we've got some warm days ahead of us yet. The fluctuations in temperature are a bit annoying.

  6. My coneflowers have struggled this year...too hot, too dry (I do water) to everything.

  7. I didn't realize coneflowers came in white. How pretty and very delicate looking! I did Lupper yesterday too. I skipped lunch as I was involved in a Quilt of Valor presentation. Drove through Culvers to pick up lunch/supper before home. Ate it in front of the TV with my feet up. It was a good choice.

  8. 65 F is better than the heat.

  9. I'll join the chorus and say, white coneflower, wow!

  10. We had lupper yesterday after church too. I remember watching church on the computer during covid. We still regularly watch our church in Spokane online but go in person to the church here in Omaha.

  11. We like having lupper out. That way we get a lake side table!

  12. Your temps sound great! We have excessive heat warning all this's 97 and "feels like" temp is 114! Yesterday was 102 and felt like 120. AHHHHH!!!
    Do you listen to church on T.V.?

  13. I didn't know there were white coneflowers. How pretty!
    Sounds like a wonderful Lupper. :)

  14. I'm thinking God might be less forgiving is you skipped the sermon instead of the music. :-)

  15. I apparently lost my white one as there is nothing like that out there. I can see my coneflowers are really strugling with the heat and drought.

  16. That white coneflower is pretty! Lupper made me smile :)

  17. LOL, I do the same thing when watching online church. I wonder if I could actually sit through a whole service again.

  18. My little patch of coneflowers includes a white one that I'm hoping will seed itself. So far it looks like the only one that has is the purple one.


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