Saturday, August 19, 2023

Peachy Day

 We stayed indoors most of the day, the air was bad from the wildfires. 

We had a box of Colorado peaches to take care of.  The local Lion's Club sells peaches as a fundraiser.  The peaches were a little smaller than last year....but just as tasty. 

We kept out a few to eat.

Far Guy blanched peaches so he could slip the skins off, I sliced them up, put a sprinkle of sugar and fruit fresh on them, put them in bags and vacuum sealed them for the freezer.   It was a sticky job and we are happy to have it done. 

We have a machine from Walmart called FoodSaver that we use to vacuum seal fruit, cheese and meat.  Cheese lasts a really long time vacuum sealed in the fridge and our meat is never freezer burned.   Food is way to expensive to waste. 

We have one package left from last summer...and they still taste as fresh as the day we did them.  I put bout 1 1/2 peaches in the bags, I like mine icy cold but Far Guy warms his up in the microwave. 

Far Side


  1. That looks like a nifty and practical contraption! :)

  2. Those peaches sure do look tasty. We have one of those vacuum sealers. They are the greatest things for putting stuff up in the freezer. Karen

  3. I’ll have to tell my wife about vacuum packing cheese. She is always buying more cheese and I’m always throwing out blocks of mold. We even have one of those vacuum sealers but mostly use it to freeze cookies and meats.

  4. It has to have been at least 45 years ago, but I will never forget my first experience canning peaches. We were grateful to receive several baskets of peaches for free and were really stretching what grocery money we had. The peaches were small with big pits so there wasn't much fruit. I spent an entire day in my unairconditioned kitchen in August, blanching in boiling water, peeling, pitting, cutting - boiling jars since I didn't have a dishwasher and then boiling the jars to seal. I swear that kitchen was sticky from four walls, to floor, to ceiling. I had to scrub top to bottom numerous times. I don't think I ever canned peaches again. Your vacuum seal machine sounds very tempting.

  5. I remember my mom buying peaches and pears in the fall and canning them for the winter. Going down to the basement to grab a jar of fruit was always a treat.

    I definitely agree that food is far too expensive to waste.

  6. I totally agree with you about the Food Saver. It is a magnificent machine. I sometimes cook extra meats and seal them up for future meals. It's a phenomenal way to save food and keep it very fresh.

  7. That's a very good idea. It will work for all the produce I freeze. That a brilliant way to preserve peaches!

  8. There was a fruit truck in town this week selling CO peaches, but I didn't buy any. My husband loves peaches. I do not like peaches. That vacuum sealer would be an excellent investment.

  9. We are eating yummy peaches now, also. :)

  10. Laura is freezing peaches today too. She’s gifting me a few to eat. She has Lorings. It’s nice to have them ready in the freezer.

  11. I'm thinking of getting a vaccuum sealer too. If I buy anything for the freezer in bulk, it invariably goes bad before the two of us can eat it all.
    Take care of yourselves with the bad air quality. Spokane fires are awful all around the city right now. A friend of ours from church there posted on FB last night that her best friend lost everything in one of the fires yesterday. They have 7 children with the youngest only 6 weeks old. Her husband was trapped and has been life flighted to Seattle's Harbor Crest burn center. It's so awful there right now and the ONLY thing we don't miss about life in Spokane. Please pray for them.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. Peaches are terrible this year so I haven't had the pleasure of blanching peaches.

  13. I think I'll go to Walmart and take a look at that Food Saver. Thanks for the tip. We bought 5 lbs of peaches and they're also quite small. Maybe it's this strange weather that has something to do with the size.

  14. I just heard that Missouri and Georgia had a bad peach year but California did well. I didn't even know they grew peaches out West. My favorite dessert is peaches and vanilla ice cream. Of course, I pep the peaches like you and sprinkle with sugar and let them sit awhile....yummm! I need to go get some. I have a Food Saver's the best!

  15. I love my foodsaver! I use it for everything I freeze. The local peach people didn't come through this year, they said the peaches were too pricey and too small.

    I have a wild apple tree I'm giving the eye to. Looks like after this heat wave I could be making apple sauce.

  16. I don't preserve peaches anymore, but frozen are much better than canned.

  17. We picked up peaches too. Hubby loves them (Colorado) and eats many (this year I may have to freeze a few).

  18. Fresh peaches are do great. I bought some and they were still green. That helps for shipping but I will have to watch them daily so they don't get over ripe. I don't think my peaches came from Georgia or Colorado.

  19. I was just talking to Dave about making a nice peach cobbler! He got some local plums that he is just raving over!


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