Saturday, August 5, 2023

It is what it is

 I am a little bummed this week...but it is what it is. 

I have been seeing a few Doctors and having some tests. 

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and have begun a medication that is supposed to help with the pain in three to twelve weeks.  ( hoping for the three) My Rheumatologist says that it varies from person to far the medication is not great on my stomach....makes it hurt...but what is one more pain to add to a whole bunch. 

I have nodules on my wrists, knuckles, legs, and pain in most of my joints...the worst being my hips and my back and neck feel like they are broken.   I have RA Nodules in my the Dr thinks I have had RA undiagnosed for a really long time. 

What helps...warmth and rest...I have the fatigue to go along with it all. 

My Great Grandfather on my Mother's side of the family had Rheumatoid Arthritis.  He lived to be 74 years old.  Neither my Grandparents nor parents have Rheumatoid Arthritis.

So far the joints that are real wonky are in my fingers and knuckles and my toes.

The medication I am taking is Arava.  It will totally wipe out my immune system. 

It took forever to get a referral to a Rheumatologist...I waited for an appointment since last January.  I have had Chronic Lymes since 2000/2013...well now they think that it was not Chronic Lymes but RA...or maybe both. 

At least now something is being done that may help...

Far Side


  1. Ouch.
    I don't have much to say other than this sucks.

    One thing to recall though is that if this med is hard on you and you cannot tolerate it, there may be others a bit less effective or that work differently that they can try.

    RA really is such an awful thing. However, now that you have a DX at least it isn't such a mystery of why you had all those symptoms? Not a comfort really, but sometimes having a name and a reason to know what is causing your discomfort is helpful.


  2. So sad for this pain in your bones. Hope your suffering can be eased.

  3. You have every right to be bummed over this news. I sure hope that medication will start to help you soon. You hardly ever complain of pain, which makes me feel surprised you've been hurting for so long. I'm sending you my best virtual hugs and will add you to my prayer list.

  4. Oh my - you must have been miserable lately. I sure hope that the medication gives you help, and doesn't continue on with the stomach irritation. I swear sometimes the side effects are worse than the disease being treated. I suspect my mom may have had RA rather than just "old age arthritis". She already had big nodules on her finger joints by the time she turned 40.

  5. Sending warm thoughts your way. I enjoy reading your blog. Was sorry to read of your health problems.

  6. Oh Connie, my heart goes out to you. My cousin Marie had R.A. and I remember how much discomfort she had. It made every day tasks so much more difficult. With all of the crafting/needlework you do, I'm sure it takes it tool. I do hope the medication will help and not cause more issues for you.

  7. Sending lots of good vibes, hope you're feeling better soon

  8. First I am thankful that you got a doctor that has given you a definitive diagnosis. However I am heartbroken for the diagnosis as well as the side effects of the medication.
    Do you take probiotic pills of any kind like Culturelle? You know they restore good gut bacteria. I don't know if they would help any but the doctor may have already said what to do about that side effect.
    This makes me want to cry for you though. You are such an active creative person. I hate disease and I hate drugs with horrible side effects. If you have to cope with the side effects, I hope at least the drug does what it is supposed to.
    Thank you for updating us. Many of us will be praying for the best outcomes possible for you. You are a tremendous blessing and encouragement to us!!!

  9. Hopefully your body will respond quickly to the new medication so you can feel better soon.

  10. Sorry friend. Hope the medication helps more than it hurts. {hugs}

  11. Oh My gosh! I am praying for you---prayers that you find pain relief, pain for medication that works and doesn't make you sick, that you can finally enjoy each day again.

    Love you Connie---our hearts and prayers and thoughts are with you.

  12. Although the diagnosis does suck, you FINALLY got one. As another said, if this medication is too hard on you, there are others. You are much more stoic than I am, all this pain and you never said a word. Hugs to you.

  13. I'm sorry. This getting old stuff sucks. I hope the medicine helps you with the least amount of side effects. Hopefully once you get your weeks in with it, things will turn around. I am so sorry this happened to you.

  14. I'm so sorry you are having pain in your joints. I deal with this everyday. I'm trying to walk each day and hope that will help. Hope you get to feeling better.

  15. Oh, Connie, my heart is sad for you. Just when I think I have it rough, I am reminded of someone who has much bigger problems than I do. At least mine is plain old osteoarthritis.
    You and FG will just have to help each other be as comfortable as you can be, and find joy when and where you can. And hope that treatment kicks in soon.

  16. I'm sorry you're so unwell. It must be pretty awful and I hope the medication will help. If not this particular one then maybe a different one.

  17. Oh, what awful news, Connie! Arthritis is one thing but RA can make life more limiting. You love to craft and crochet and all the things. I pray that this medication or even another one can allow you to keep doing what you love for a long, long, long time. Chronic pain is no fun, to say the least, I know. My heart goes out to you, sweet lady. *love and gentle hugs from Fargo*

  18. I was sad to hear this news. Hoping the medicine begins to help sooner rather than later. Keeping you in my prayers.

  19. Some of these conditions are missed and mixed up by the medical people. I hope you get some relief.

  20. Oh no Connie, I'm so sorry to hear about your RA. It sounds awful. I hope you get a good med to help with the pain and to control it. Sending up prayers for you, friend. I just got home from a week's stay in the hospital....very tired....hoping to turn in soon. God Bless You Connie.

  21. I feel really bad that you are struggling with this disease. I have had a couple friends with it, and it really stinks. I am glad you are getting help, but sometimes the help hurts in other ways. It's all so complicated. I do hope your medicine helps you in 3 weeks and you don't have to wait longer for relief.

  22. So sorry about the RA - are there any foods that can help ease the pain?

  23. I am so sorry that this is all happening. I hope the identification of it makes it easier to eventually get it under control. I now know that I probably had diabetes years before I was finally diagnosed as I didn't go to doctors. Knowing what it is doesn't make it less painful but medications should turn things around from where you have been these past years. Any change for the better is good.

  24. I think you must be relieved to get to the specialist. My aunt was a pianist, and accompanied people. She had to stop playing. It is really tough. Take care.

  25. My mother had that and also Dupuytren's contracture. She carried on as if she was not in pain, but I am sure it was very painful. I hope the medicine you are taking kicks in soon and doesn't continue to hurt your stomach.

  26. Coloring Outside the lines, I also have Dupuytrens Contracture and have had it about four years.

  27. I am happy you have some news but dang! Medical stuff is so confusing and pretty much unknown. I am hoping they can come up with a comfortable way to manage it.

  28. Wow! That's a lot and so sorry you have had all that for so long. Take care and I hope they can help you. Sherry in MT

  29. I’m so sorry for all your pain, and now the difficult diagnosis. It looks like you are still able to crochet and I know you are thankful for that. At least you know what is wrong and I hope that the meds will kick in soon and help you feel better.

  30. Well that's not good. Sorry about all the pain you're going through.
    You'd think the pharma companies could come up with something that doesn't destroy your health while fixing one thing.
    One thing I have heard that is helpful is Golden Paste (Turmeric paste. ) It's not hard to make but would be an acquired taste.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie