Monday, April 24, 2023


I have a Dental Procedure on Monday....not looking forward to it other than putting it behind me.  I have been fighting a tooth abscess since last Fall ...I have had a root canal, many rounds of antibiotics...the last time the Dentist drilled into the crown and put medication down in the tooth...then more it is time. 

We will get to see Little Elvis and Sadie so that will make me feel better. 

We have appointments nearly everyday this week. 

Thank goodness I cooked last week and the freezer has many meals...because I may not feel like cooking. 

Snow in the trees a few days ago.

Far Side


  1. All the best for your treatment... good that you have pre-cooked and will have a nice meeting.
    I wish you a good rest.

  2. Hope all goes well & you heal quickly.

  3. Dentist visits are the worst! BUt you do get a great smile afterwards.

  4. Ugh. At least you'll get some pup therapy.

  5. So glad you get to see the pups. They will be extremely happy, too.
    Our calendar sounds like yours - - - - many days and occasionally even consecutive weeks of not much on the calendar and then all the appointments hit at once.
    Praying the dental procedure goes even better than anticipated. Praying for the issue to be resolved and no more pain after healing - - and minimal before that.

  6. I hope it all goes well and that you will be pain free. Give a nice pet to Sadie for me. :-)

  7. You always find good in everything you experience. Hope it’s a snap for you.

  8. Hope the procedure isn't too bad, and you can put it behind you soon!

  9. Hope this procedure will solve that tooth issue. I definitely sympathize! I'm one of those people who has an unrealistic phobia of dentists. I did survive my cleaning last month, and next week I have another appointment to decide how to deal with the broken crown I have. I always feel close to a panic attack while sitting in that chair.

  10. Teeth pain is the worst! Wishing you the best of luck!

  11. You’ll feel so much better when the procedure is over. Safe travels and give Little Elvis and Sadie a chin scratch for me.

  12. You'll likely have had the treatment by the time you see this post. Hope all went well, and your issue with the tooth are behind you.
    Enjoy the time with Sadie and Elvis!

  13. Seeing the doggies makes it a bit more tolerable. I don't think you will want to cook.

  14. Ouch, is right! Hope all goes well and you move on quickly from the dental pain.

  15. Tooth pain is awful. I hope the remedy goes well.

  16. Good luck at the dentist. I hope that all goes well.

  17. Oh, I am so sorry about your absess and dental saga! I hate dental work...they have to give me gobs of novacaine and laughing gas....then I'm okay. I always tell them I cannot tolerate pain of any kind and that I had 4 kids and I've had my quota so they better not hurt me! LOL! Good luck, sweetie...I hope it all goes well.

  18. Sorry about the issues with your tooth. Hope it stops being a problem soon. Good luck with all the appointments this week, and I'm glad you have the leftovers in the freezer so you don't have to worry about cooking while dealing with it all.

  19. Anything with teeth is major as far as I'm concerned. Good luck with everything.

  20. Dentists places are bad place but necessary.

  21. By this time ( that I'm writing this) you will have had the dreaded procedure. I hope it went as well as possible.

  22. This Monday, as in today? Or next week? I'm sending positive vibes for an easy procedure...or if it's all done, for a fast recovery! We have appointments almost every day this week too. Wonder if that's just because it's the last week of the month? Husband is having infusions every 3 weeks and this time it just lands on the last week, so probably that's really all it is.

  23. Praying you got through your Dental appt. OK. It's probably my most unfavorite thing to do! Glad you got to see your favorite doggies at least, today.

  24. Ouch, that sounds so painful. Healing wishes your way. Cheers, Ivy.

  25. Best wishes for fast healing and an end to this problem! Take care and safe travels to all these appointments.

  26. I hope the procedure went well Connie. Prayers for quick healing and safety for all of your appointments.

  27. Hope the dentist went well and that's over and done with.
    Sounds like a lot of appointments. I hope they all go well and the weather is decent for traveling for you. :)


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