Thursday, April 27, 2023


 I sent Hey Mikey a letter...and he liked it! 

Hey Mikey. I heard you were losing your teeth!  Are you pulling them out yourself?

I hope you are being good on the bus and listening to your Mom.

I am still a little crabby because I am old.

Great Grandpa says Hi and thanks for the letter.

Buy some ice cream and share with your sister.

Love you!  Crabby Great Grandma H.

Maddie messaged me to say he loved his letter and he would share with his sister " but only a little bit."

Far Side


  1. Awwww!!! Nothing like letters to and from the grandkids!! :)

  2. Awwhhh cute! Back when the oldest Grands were around his age, I would help them write letters. It was a fun activity for them back.

  3. Isn't that fun! We like sending things to our Vancouver grandies.

  4. Awe that is so fun! I send "Grandma Mail" with pictures to each of the grands, they enjoy getting mail and now the big grands talk about "hey grandma mail" :) Hey Mikey is getting sooo big!

  5. That's wonderful! Brought a big smile to me too!!!

  6. That is so adorable. Everyone loves getting real mail in their mailbox. How exciting for him and what a memory that created.

  7. What a character! I foresee more correspondence between the two of you. :)

  8. He is adorable! Quite the personality.

  9. Fun post! Everyone enjoys receiving snail mail.

  10. Isn't he the cutest thing!!! Just the cutest!

  11. Good job on the grandma letter. That is a great age to have fun with.
    And what's not to like - CASH!

  12. That's sweet. And I love the reply Maddie passed along about how he would share with his sister, but only a little bit.

  13. That is so cute! You're the best Great Gram!

  14. Well, you really don’t know if it was the words or the cash that made him smile.

  15. This is sooooo adorable!!! When I was a kid I loved getting a letter from my grandmother too. I didn't know any of my greats. I don't remember her sending money, that's a bonus! She did give us a dollar (always new) at Christmas. Even when we were 18 she still gave us a dollar and we were always happy to get it. I love his response that he's share A LITTLE! LOL LOL LOL!

  16. Great Grandma H that was a pretty darned nice message and gift you sent off to Hey Mikey. Maybe you'll get a picture of the two of them eating their ice cream treat!

  17. A sure way of having a relationship with a great grand who lives too far away for frequent visits.

  18. When I was young, I wrote my Grandmother every week and she usually wrote me back too.
    It was so helpful to receive letters when I was lonely and in college in a place where I didn't know everyone.
    For a while, my Granddaughter and I exchanged letters until she decided the actual handwriting was too hard and email were easier.

    Love it.

  19. Hahahaha! Hey Mikey knows looks extremely happy with his money haul from such a sweet crabby great-grandma! Ain't nuthin' like ice cream money!!

  20. How sweet is that....he will remember that when he gets older!


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