Saturday, April 1, 2023

Home Again

 We have returned to our home in the woods.  The roads were good until we got within 15 miles of home.  The North East wind blew snow across the roads.

We started out with blue sky and chased the weather front all the way home.   We unpacked the car and put most of our "stuff" away.   Not everything fit in the car so Andy and Jen will bring the remainder of our stuff when they visit. 

A storm is forecast for this week.  Today we will stop by the Post Office and go to the grocery store, the cupboards are not bare but they are lacking just a few things. 

Menu's will be planned for two weeks...and we shop accordingly.  Back to life in the country!  As you can see Spring is not visiting our part of Minnesota. 

Far Side


  1. Yikes!
    It wasn't nice here yesterday, however we got over an inch of rain and now it is snowing.

    Glad you made it home safely.

  2. It doesn't look like spring in those parts, not at all!

  3. Welcome home! I'm sure it's good to be back in the woods, but you'll miss the doggie love, and the family of course.

    Your spring looks just like ours this morning, except we do have some weak sunshine. I'm hoping that new dusting of snow melts over the weekend, before more arrives next week.

  4. Oh Connie, I'm so glad you made it home okay. Watching the weather everywhere yesterday I was very concerned. The tornadoes in Iowa were a bit too close for comfort. Those poor people.
    Enjoy settling in at home and rediscovering all of your "things" that are there.

  5. We had rain yesterday and snow last night. It's warmer down here than up there.I am amazed at the differences in landscape in out state. I've never lived where it is flat. Mark grew up in flatland. I grew up on river bluffs!

  6. YAY! Home again, Home again. Ziggity Zig

  7. Welcome home! I do hope spring won't be far behind.

  8. Hoping the sun will turn your way soon? Do you have ticks there in the summer. They are already crawling here.

  9. I'm glad you made it back home safely. You'll be busy for a while restocking, catching up, and settling in. I hope that storm doesn't pack too much of a wallop.

  10. Welcome home! I hope the weather gets better soon. We had the wind for two or three days. Thanks for the card. Love the Canada Geese. It is a little like coming home from camp isn't it.

  11. It's always nice to b back home. It's warmed up 10 C. I'll try and send it your way.

  12. Glad You are back home safe and sound. We got about 16 inches of snow last has been a nightmare for the plowing companies trying to get everybody plowed out today. They just finally got us done at 7 pm tonight! A few more inches in the forecast for tomorrow and then please, could we have a break? I heard this is our most snowfall since 1923!!! Glad you guys had such a great winter at your daughter's. Welcome back home.

  13. Too bad you had to come home to a winter storm. Nevertheless I'm sure you're happy to be back again.

  14. It has been pretty wet and miserable here in Eastern Ontario the past couple of days, but thankfully we didn't get the 14 inches of snow like Sault Ste Marie!! My sister in Southern Ontario reported a glorious sunny day. What a difference a few miles makes!

  15. Welcome Home! I have been to town for groceries in plans for the SNOWstorm this week! Take care!

  16. I bet it felt good to be home, safe and sound! 'our home in the woods' sounds wonderful.


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