Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Easter Gathering Report

 Far Guy and I went to my other baby brothers for Easter dinner.  There were 21 of us.  My Dad would have made it 22....but he is in heaven for Easter this year.  I thought about him many times over the weekend.  Good Friday was the day he always planted his potatoes and at sunrise on Easter morning he would predict how the weather would be for the summer by the way the wind was blowing and how warm it was.  It was a different Easter not discussing those things with him and arguing a bit! ( The snow it too deep to plant potatoes or those spuds will just rot in the ground).   I miss irritating my Dad...

My Mother fell on Saturday in her apartment and although she is okay she is very sore, black and blue and green.   She still has a blood clot in her leg and some water retention problems.

We had a lovely dinner...I took a pineapple pretzel salad and a pan of corn bread.  Andy and Jen brought a couple of double smoked hams.  Mom brought some of her pickles and she who sees robins first and my other baby brother bought taco salad, fruit salad, cheezy potatoes, green beans, buns and rice crispies and cherry cheesecake.   

We took food over for my baby brother and his bride.  He is recovering from back surgery and his bride has  a respiratory infection of some kind...possibly pneumonia.  So they were in no shape to attend. 

If we were hiding Easter Eggs they would have showed up in the snow. 

The patio is free of snow but we have lots of snow to melt! 

Far Side


  1. That is a massive gathering! Sorry about your mom!
    I sat with a hospice client yesterday. He reminded me of my dad. It was nice chatting for 3 hours!

  2. I guess if you had Easter rabbits, they’d have to be snow bunnies.

  3. What a wonderful Easter feast you had with your family. I'm sure your Dad was missed this Easter but I'm sure he was there in spirit. I'm sorry to hear about your Mom falling and the blood clot...that's nothing to sneeze about at her age. I was drooling hearing about all that delicious food! I had cream of potato soup...again! LOL! I don't mind as long as I feel good.
    We used to plant spuds on Good Friday...yes, it would be difficult with all that snow! LOL! Take care.

  4. Would have been hard to plant potatoes this year. Sounds like a nice Easter with lots of good food! :)

  5. I'm so glad you could gather with so many. Hope your mom heals up quickly.[

    Wow - that is a LOT of snow remaining! We had crazy heat yesterday here - nearly 90 degrees. I could see just a couple of little white patches up against the house on the north side. Otherwise I think our snow is gone.

  6. It sounds like a lovely gathering with lots of food and family memories. I'm sure your Dad came up in conversation many times. Firsts are always hardest.

    Your poor mom! I hope she heals quickly.

    The snow is melting here, very quickly, after a couple of warm days. More snow this weekend, but it shouldn't last. I saw my first robin this morning!

  7. That's quite a gathering. Sorry about your Mom, and that some family members couldn't attend for health reasons. Sorry you missed your Dad so much too. Sounds like you all had a nice time regardless though.

  8. I don't think I know 21 people! Your dad was with you in your memories. e are almost snowless now.

  9. Sounds like a lovely Easter day. You certainly had some really delicious food! Sorry about your mom's fall, but glad she wasn't seriously injured. I miss my mom most around the holidays too.

  10. Snow in the bush is the last to melt. We have very little snow on the farmland, but the bush is full of snow.

  11. What a wonderful family gathering! Though bittersweet, I know your dad was happy to see you together. I hope mom is feeling better. Poor girl! I know how painful it is to fall. OUCH. Prayers to baby brother and wife, I bet they were very grateful for the food.

    June can start melting instead of accumulating now!

  12. Family gatherings for holidays are so important and special. I'm glad most of you could make it. I hope your mom is recovering.
    Yes, I know about back surgery - it takes quite a while to get back to normal life. Best wishes to him and his wife.

  13. My Dad had some weird theories too concerning weather. I think it went something like Whatever the weather was like on Good Friday is what the next 40 days was going to be.
    Sorry about your Mom falling. Unfortunately it happens to us more and more as we age.

  14. I hope your mother recovers quickly. It can be sad sometimes remembering loved ones and our interactions with them, but it is also wonderful to be able to remember them with so much affection. I think the word to describe it is poignant :) xx

  15. I am happy that the Easter dinners still exist. Our neighbors across the street had a large crowd. The other neighbor next to us had a gathering but she complained one of here closest kids didn't come. I see you are up to 67° F. today. It is going to take a lot of those kind of days to get rid of that white stuff. Good memories do trump out the bad ones. I remember all my mom's cakes she made that looked sort of like rabbits.

  16. Hope your mom recovers quickly. That is a huge number for an Easter gathering, I think, but you are so lucky to have such a large family.

  17. I seem to be a bit late in commenting anymore. I get so busy doing things here and with Mom that it's evening before I have time to sit at the computer.
    I sure do like the sounds of that Easter dinner. We had leftover pizza! Just couldn't see the point of making a big dinner for just the two of us. I know exactly how hard it is at holidays without family. Especially parents. I still hear my Mom's laugh and she's been gone 34 years. I'm sorry about your Mom's fall. I'll add her to my prayers. Blood clots are scary at any age, but especially as you get older.
    How is Far Guys cold? Is he feeling better.

  18. Your Easter dinner sounds great and 21 people....that's awesome. Sorry to hear that your Mom fell......hope she will be feeling better very soon. Prayers continue for your brother who had the back surgery, and now for his wife too. Our snow is slowly melting...two more days of 70 degrees before it cools back down....we can see a little bit of water around the icy edges of the lake now....that's progress I guess!

  19. It sounds like you had a great family time together! That’s a lot of mouths to feed but with everyone contributing and helping makes for less stress and more happiness! It’s sad when we lose the patriarch and in my case also the matriarch of our families but to those of us that believe, we will meet again. ❤️


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