Monday, April 10, 2023

Book Club

 Book Club was last week.  We read The Lake House by Kate Morton.  I finished this book when we were still Up North.

I give it a 9 out of 10 stars.  It was a good book...the author wove and interwove the story line...she tied up all the lose ends but some of them were very convenient!  She also did a fair share of red herrings.   It followed two time lines 1933 and 2004 and bounced back and forth....which irritated some of the book club gals.  

I ordered the books for the next few months...I order books from Thrift Books online.  I still like to hold a real book when I read.

Far Side


  1. I like real books too, but I like to read at night in bed. The other half doesn't like a light on so I read on my Kindle then.

    I really need to just get my Library card updated and start checking out books!

  2. Glad you enjoyed the book club book.

  3. I love Kate Morton! I can't remember if I read The Lake House but I've read several. I should go back and read more of hers....they were all good I thought.
    I tried reading Ebooks but I do not care for it. Give me a printed book and I'll be happy! Yes, Thrift Books is wonderful.

  4. I sure miss my old book club. So many moved away, but I do still see a couple of the ladies who still live here and we exchange books occasionally. This one sounds interesting. I mostly read digitally on my iPad, but do have a real book on my night stand right now that I plan to read next.

  5. I do prefer to hold a book in my hand, but will read with my Kobo (similar to the Kindle) if need be. I meant to meantion that I ordered in and read the Northwest Angle from your last book club post. I really enjoyed it too. It seemed to be part of series so I'll have to look for more books by the same auther.
    I've marked this one down too. Just recently a friend reached out to ask if I'd like to join a book club - I said sure, and just finished reading their choice - the stranger in the lifeboat by Mitch Albom. It was a strange book, and I'll be quite interested to hear others take on it.

  6. Saw the movie the Lake House with Sandra Bullock years ago.

  7. Real book reader, too.

    I love Thrift Books. I am on hold right now. I had so many recommendations and I have a pile of 11 right now. I have sternly spoken to myself about ordering more until the pile goes down.

  8. I have a hundreds of books, I could go back and read them, some I haven't read in decades. I have become a fan of audiobooks. I can sit or work and listen. I also have arthritic hands and shoulders, so holding a book for any length of time becomes painful.

  9. I like to hold and read a book and I like my kindle. Books! AHHH how I love them!

  10. I've looked at that book before but haven't read it. I, too, prefer real books to my kindle, except when I'm traveling. I like the space saving aspect of the kindle then. I've never been part of a book club though. That sounds like fun.

  11. Wasn't this made into a movie? I think I saw it...with all the time travel and all. :)

  12. I need the enlarged print and light weight of a Kindle. I added this book to my reading list.

  13. It was either this book or another of hers that I found that flitting back and forth in time annoying. I ended up reading all the chapters of the past then going back and reading the ones happening now. Worked out fine for me.

  14. I enjoyed that book, too. I’ve been listening to a ton of audiobooks, and I sew and knit while listening.

  15. I read The Lake House quite some time ago and I enjoyed it too. Most of my book club goes to Florida for the winter and are returning in the next couple of weeks. I'm anxious to see them and pick out a new book. Hope you have a great week!

  16. Shirley and Rita, The movie The Lake House was different from this book.

  17. I love when you talk about books here Connie. I usually get some good ideas for my next reads. The best two books I have read this year have been West With Giraffes and Watership Down. Both just excellent. I am currently reading the Miss Read series of books, they're somewhat like the Mitford Series, which I also liked....and I'm reading some of the Agatha Christie mysteries too. Thanks for letting us know what you're reading and where you're getting your books too! Is June receding? Our huge snow mountains are slowly sinking!

  18. We rented the movie of The Lake House a number of times when it came out. We really liked the twists and turns and it took a couple of viewings to get it all figured out. They broke some rules at the end but I guess rules really were broken all the way through. I had forgotten about it all and had to refresh my memory banks to know how I knew the title.


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