Saturday, March 25, 2023


 We recently updated our Advance Health Care Directives.  We also had Power of Attorney and our Wills updated  ( to replace a Will drawn up in 1991 so it was about time).  It was something I had hoped to accomplish over the Winter.  Our Lawyer is a really nice guy and recommends a legal check up every five years. 

Now to get the New Advanced Health Care Directives to the Clinic and Hospitals that we frequent.  

I am also working to renew our Passports...Jen says we are going on a Cruise next March.  Something to look forward to! 

Spring is still elusive up here and some sub zero weather is headed this way.  Maybe the last hurrah of Winter...I can always hope. 

A bit of Spring time on my desk...boxes.   One of my favorite things to collect! 

So pretty all stacked up! 

Far Side


  1. Cruising sounds so good :-))) anticipation, yes... wonderful.
    Your colorful boxes put you in a good mood.
    I wish you a happy weekend.

  2. Nice you got those things sorted. Glad you have the potential trip to look forward to next year.

  3. Those are pretty boxes! Love the colors of those boxes!

    We did the Estate thing years ago and updated it too now twice. We both have children from previous marriages so to keep anyone from fighting, we set things up.

    Good for you doing that. It is not an easy task to do, but it is a very smart one!

  4. According to the news last night, it is a good thing you are starting now on renewing your passports. They are evidently really booked up. They had a sob story of a woman who tried to renew her passport two months before her flight and was shocked at how much complaining she had to do to get it completed in time.

  5. I should take a look at ours, although nothing has changed since we did ours before the pandemic. Good for you!

  6. An upcoming cruise, sounds wonderful. My son got married on a cruise to Mexico many years ago. I thought I would hate the cruise, but wound up loving it and the entire experience--they married on a beach and we had dinner overlooking the ocean.

    I love boxes too. These are so pretty.

    I love the idea of a "legal" check up. In that case, I'm way overdue. Good for you for doing that. Have a great weekend. Linda

  7. Thanks for the reminder: it’s time for me to update those documents. Love the pretty boxes on your desk.

  8. I really am hoping we've seen the Last Hurrah of winter. I'm feeling a little optimistic about snow continuing to melt this next few days - instead of piling up higher.

    We did the same updates to our wills, POA, and medical care directives about this time a year ago. We were definitely past time when it should have been done. Every 5 years is actually a great idea. We made copies of all those docs for our file cabinet, but also gave each daughter a set of the docs too.

  9. It certainly is helpful to the family when the legal issues are handled ahead of time. Even if they aren't needed for a long time, it is still a good idea.

    A cruise in March 2024? Me too! I'm booked on a Princess cruise on a 14 day Caribbean Circle. It is similar to the very first cruise I took back in 2011, but with a few different ports. It's always nice to have something to look forward to.

    Despite spring's delay I've put out my spring and Easter decor. If it isn't spring outside, I've got a bit of it inside. The boxes are very pretty!

  10. I renewed my passport last year thru Fedex of all things. They take your passport picture and you send your documents thru them to a passport expediter that partners with them. These folks know all the ins and outs of passport renewal, and I had my new passport back within a month. It costs a little more to be sure, but to me it was worth it. If there is a problem, they deal with it, not you. Worth checking out.

    Renewed my global entry (this can be a huge nosebleed, way worse than passport renewal) thru another company, and that worked out well to. They fill out all the forms for immigration and customs with info that you provide to them. The good thing is they know what to submit and what is not necessary, and once you fill out the form and create an account with global entry, it all goes pretty smooth.

  11. Good work on the wills.
    I could not do a cruise. Just too many people for you. I shall be happy to read about yours!

  12. we got out our advanced directives before my latest surgery just to check, but have not done a legal checkup in a long time. Probably should sooner rather than later.
    Yes, pretty boxes!

  13. We also need to update those things. Those are pretty boxes.

  14. Why is it that we find it so difficult to update these things? Good on you that you've updated things.

  15. We had everything updated when we moved to Nebraska in 2021. We had them updated just a few years before in Washington but when you change states it all needs redone.
    I still have some years on my passport but Dennis will need to get his redone after we get home from London in September. We have a cruise booked for January 2024.
    It was 57 F today and 4 inches of snow is predicted for tonight. It's crazy weather for sure.

  16. I love pretty boxes.

    My Mother thought reading was idleness. She fussed at me for reading so much. She never read anything. Dad read anything he could get his hands on. Mom would not let me have a light at night to read. I hid under the covers with a flashlight and read til the battery gave out.

  17. Right before retirement, we made an appointment and updated everything. I would like to say we are just proactive, but it was spurred by life experiences. Our neighbor's house burned down so we reviewed our homeowners insurance policy and other insurance policies. We updated our wills (originals in the late 70's, lol). After dealing with my mother's ALS and my father's cancers and strokes, we updated our health directives, choose a health care power of attorney, purchased and burial plot and even bought the stone and had it engraved (just waiting for a final date). My kids found this all very morbid, but I have everything on file with our attorney and copies in a binder marked "What If". I have the piece of mind that they will know what we want and how to do it.

  18. Our money investor guy recommended a lawyer but he is way too far away to set up anything. We live a big town but don't know people to give us referrals. I will ask my neighbors. A cruise would be great.

  19. Oh, those boxes are so bright and pretty!
    Glad you are updating things. It all takes time and effort. :)

  20. A good job done (your family will thank you)! What fun to look forward to a cruisie or little trip!

  21. I really like your boxes. Misty gave me one and I really like it.


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