Wednesday, March 1, 2023

No storm

The latest snow storm stayed South of us.   I went to the grocery store and worked on some cards.  I have some new "stuff and things" to try out.  I have not made many cards this winter.  

I watched the last season of The Great British Baking is great entertainment while I work on the border of the Nordic Mosaic afghan.  The border is slow going. 

Far Guy has a huge project going on ...woodcarving...I should take some photos so you can be impressed too.  Far Guy has been feeling a bit under the weather...short of breath...not sure if he has something brewing or not...time will tell.  He had a long nap yesterday.

Happy new month of March... March in Minnesota can be like Winter or like Spring or real mixed up and a bit of both! 

Far Side


  1. Do you ever get the chance to watch The Great British Sewing Bee? That’s a fun programme too. The skills!
    (I would say Peeuhnee).

  2. We got a little more snow and some wind down here.
    Can hardly wait to see both your mosaic done and FarGuy's woodcarving project.

  3. Happy March! Beautiful flowers.

  4. March can be crazy. Today it is going to be sort of quiet. Some rain some snow, lots of clouds.

    I hope FG feels better too.
    I know my hubby had a few rough days and sometimes I think it is the long drawn out winter and the cloudy days that add to it too. Well, at least for him.

  5. I hope Far Guy feels better. Beautiful photo of the flowers. It' been in the 70's here but that will be ending once this front moves in later this! Yes, pretty dicey here in the Spring also. Stay warm and dry!

  6. March can be like that. I love the pretty picture, and I do hope FG is feeling better soon.

  7. Prayers for the Far Guy.

    I do love the Great British Baking Show. I think what I like best (aside from the delicious creations) is the spirit of good sportsmanship. Everyone is so polite. I really enjoy their stories.

  8. Our temperatures are still on the cold side, not bitterly so, but I have to say March has come in like a lamb. I hope that doesn't mean we'll be in for it later in the month. Long range suggests normal temps for us this time of the year and not much snow. Fingers crossed.

    I do hope Far Guy isn't getting sick. Hopefully lots of rest will help.

  9. Good Morning Connie. I hope Far Guy woke up today feeling "bright eyed and bushy tailed" as my Mom used to say. We'll be praying for him.
    You must be getting very close to teh finish on your afghan.
    Looking forward to seeing it finished and also Far Guy's project too.

  10. March in Minnesota - certainly has multiple personalities. My birthday is the 24th, and I've been snowed in about half of them. The other half was some form of spring. We got married in 1977 on the 25th - and it was shirt-sleeve weather that year.

    Hope FG shakes off whatever is brewing with his breathing.

  11. Glad that storm missed you. I feel for Far Guy, as I suffer chronic shortness of breath. Not much fun - if it lasts, please get the doctor to check it out. Mxx

  12. I liked the Great British Baking Show. I started watching it a long time ago on PBS. I dropped Netflix so I can't see it anymore. No sign of spring down here. Have we ever thought of March as spring!

  13. Here we're being warned that March will be very wet. What else is new!!!
    Sending thoughts of health to Far Guy.

  14. I haven't made any cards in a year. I really should get on that! Would love to see what Far Guy is working on... I am always impressed with his work. I sure hope he feels better soon and nothing serious is going on.

  15. Yes, we can get some very pleasant weather in March and some of our worst storms and snow.

  16. I bet that baking show was fun to watch! Sorry to hear that far guy might be coming down with something. Hope can rest well and not get very sick. Can't wait to see what he is woodcarving. You make such beautiful cards....I love them!

  17. I do hope March is nice to you. All the guys, young and old, were wearing shorts to the grocery store today. It is a shock to see the turn in the tide of weather.


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