Wednesday, March 29, 2023


 For many days this winter Jen was busy cutting strips of fabric.  Every once in awhile she would say "Lets go to Joannes I need more fabric" so off we would go and she would be busy a few more days.   

Her sewing room is upstairs...she took over that room for sewing the day Adam moved out to his own apartment.  I rarely go up there...she needs her own space sometimes and I am no help when it comes to sewing.  Her Dad helped her cut strips of fabric one day. 

Finally she shared her project.  

Here you can see that it is strips of fabric.

Art and fabric come together for a masterpiece! 

Far Side


  1. OMGoodness! That is just striking! What talent runs in your family. :)

  2. That is a masterpiece. I'm always amazed at what beautiful art can be done with such interesting materials.

  3. I have no words.... Absolutely stunning!!!

  4. You are all such a talented family.

  5. Oh my - it certainly IS a masterpiece!! It's stunning!

  6. Wow! That is an incredible piece of art. Jen is very talented.

  7. Oh, my that is so neat. She is an artist for certain.

  8. WOW!!! I am amazed... how she laid out the strips to form this design!!

  9. Wow, that is a masterpiece! It looks large, is it?

  10. aurora yes it is large.. about 4 feet by 6 feet :0

  11. Oh wow! That is a masterful work of art. I am beyond impressed. I can't imagine the how of creating that.

  12. That is quite something! I like it.

  13. OH! MY! Goodness! That is beautiful! Just stunning!

  14. That is so beautiful. I love angels and used to collect them. When we moved into the camper, of necessity I stopped collecting more but I still have quite a few.
    This is a true masterpiece that Jen has created. All of you are such artists. I would never have been creative enough to have come up with anything that spectacular.

  15. Jen certainly created a lovely___and unique___masterpiece. You donnt mention the size but it looks quite large.

  16. That is awesome!!! How is it assembled? Sewn? Glued?

  17. Shirley, Steam a seam which is special "stuff"

  18. Wow that is one beautiful angel. Such an intricate design. Jen certainly has a lot of talent for creating beautiful things, like her mother.

  19. It is a master artwork. I as an art teacher would not hesitate handing her a paintbrush and have her paint an impressionist painting. I can see she loved doing it and the end result is so wonderful.

  20. That is definitely a wow piece of art! Well done Jen!

  21. Beautiful. It is the work of an artist. I love it.

  22. Yes, masterpiece describes this correctly, and a creative vision realized.

  23. Oh, my goodness! I am seeing your daughters quilt/art project....the one with the strips. It is wonderful! Does she have a blog? Wondering if she designed this. It sets my mind to spinning on what could be done with strips. Got to remember to show it to my daughter if we ever get time. LOVE it!

  24. I am back again...expanded the pics and zoomed in...I have so many questions. I am wondering did she use a fusible on the back of the fabric. I can see it was not sewn together. Is it going to have a backing and be quilted. Or just what is she going to do with it. It is so wonderful.

  25. Rose , She used Steam a Seam. I believe she will back it and then hang it in her sewing room. She ordered the design online it is called a Collage.

  26. Well, it sure is beautiuful. I have always meant to try a collage and have yet to try one. But something about this one makes me think of things I would like to try. If you remember, tell her one of your fellow bloggers loves it!


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