Thursday, March 23, 2023

Good progress

I am making progress on the Grandchildrens photo albums.  I will be caught up through 2022 this weekend.  It has been a long project.   I still have some early photos of all of them at home.  I will need to scan and fuss with them. 

 Hope I have the original of this photo taken back in 2006 in Elkhorn Nebraska at Thanksgiving.  The children are ages 10  to 5.   The dogs are all gone to the Rainbow Bridge...they were faithful friends to all the children.  Dakota, Daphne or Daffy, Chance and Miney...this was BLE  Before Little Elvis. 

Many good and some funny memories going down memory lane with this project.

Far Side


  1. What a fantastic gift for everyone! So nice to see Chance again :-).

  2. Fun to see them all so young...and to see Chance, too. :)

  3. Chance looks young - - like the grandchildren. He was such a special dog. Most all dogs are great but some are definitely a "cut above" regarding personality and intelligence as well as companionship.

  4. That's awesome you're so close to being caught up with those albums. I'm sure there have been a lot of trips down memory lane while sorting them.

  5. That's such an adorable photo of the grandkids and the dogs. What a memory. I applaud your photo album project, definitely a lot of work, but so worth it.

  6. That photo is a treasure, with the kids and those beloved dogs. The now grown up kids will love seeing this photo in their albums.

  7. I love the photo with the four legged companions and the Grands! Your photo project will be loved and appreciated by your Grands and their future spouses/families.

  8. This project has been quite an undertaking! Almost done. I do love seeing children with dogs.

  9. "Rainbow Bridge" I love that, sounds peaceful and thankful at the same time.

  10. That is indeed a very special photo!
    What a wonderful gift you are creating for your grands, and what a great gift you are experiencing for yourself as you put it together,

  11. Looking back over old photos really brings back some interesting times.

  12. It's wonderful you're able to make these albums, they will be soooo appreciated by your family. Those are wonderful dogs, kids with dogs is a can't miss good time.

  13. It’s a project worth the effort.

  14. Dogs are family too! hehe The kids will love it.

  15. Love that picture. Such beautiful children with beautiful pets. I'm sure it brings back a myriad of memories for you as you continue this awesome project. God bless you for doing such a wonderful thing for all of them.

  16. I'm sure the photos have brought back some wonderful memories. It's such a special project!

  17. The kids will cherish their albums. What a wonderful thing you've done for them. And I love that photo with the dogs. So much love between kids and dogs and the dogs NEVER live long enough for me.


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