Monday, January 2, 2023


 I usually pick a one word intention to be my focus for the New Year...well now the buzz word is nudge...pick a nudge word?  Well alrighty then. 

Discover that is my nudge word.  I am discovering that I like one word intention better than nudge word. 

I discovered that I had an intention back in 2016 ( perhaps blogging is a double edged sword) that was forgotten.  I intended to print out photos of the grands...well it is a project that I am going forward with this winter.  In the process I am discovering that I have beautiful/handsome grands that I am re discovering as they grow up before my camera lens. 

When Far Guy asked me what I wanted for Christmas I replied "Five photo albums all in different colors."  The Grands picked their colors...Savannah Green, Maddie Purple, Noah Black, Adam Red and that left Paige with Blue.  Paige was not here at Christmas because her elderly kitty Bailey was very sick.  She reports that Bailey is much better after some antibiotics. 

Paige and Bailey in 2009 when Paige was ten years old and Bailey was four years old. 

I have already discovered that Far Guy and I are too old to welcome in the New Year at we didn't make it past 11 PM...Far Guy said "It is the New Year somewhere." 

Far Side


  1. Far Guy had the right idea. A couple friends of mine said they were celebrating the New Year with those in - - - whatever country they chose because they had to be up early the next morning.
    That is a pretty kitty who has more longevity than many.

  2. Paige is beautiful and I'm glad her sweet kitty is better. I like your Christmas present idea.
    I've never chosen a word before but this year there are two words I would like to focus on. Generosity is one. And listen is the other. I want to be better at listening to the still, small voice of God in my daily life.
    Blessings and love,

  3. My cousin told me that people our age celebrate Rio New Year. There is evidently a webcam on the beach in Rio with people celebrating and fireworks and it's over by 9:00p.m. LOL! I was in bed by 8:30....I can't even make the Rio New Year!
    What a great idea about the photo albums for the grands! I should make them for my kids...I'm so bad.

  4. I don't even try to stay up until midnight anymore. I'm with Far Guy, somewhere it is already the New Year. However, although I was in be by 10, I tossed and turned until shortly after midnight so...I guess I did see the new year in.

    What a lovely idea for the grandchildren. I've taken it for granted that everything is digital these days, but I'm certain a special photo album will be much appreciated as even digital copies can get lost, written over, or discarded.

  5. Neat idea with photos for your grand kids.

  6. I helped my Mom make photo albums for each of the Grands. When she died, they were each given their book from Grandma Rosie.

  7. I have agreed with Far Guy for a long time. The albums are a good idea.

  8. I only made it til 9:30. My intention is to serve the Lord, small, I can’t serve big anymore.

  9. Love the photo album idea in different colors chosen by the kids. I did a 3 generation family tree photo album for my girls for Christmas - with us, our parents, and our grandparents. I think they liked the books. I rarely see midnight on New Years, unless it's from bed in my pajamas with a book in my hand. Dave stayed up to chat with the sons-in-law that evening until after midnight. But everyone else was in bed long before.

  10. Great idea with the photo albums. Though if you had digital photos you could arrange them in a nice photo album and have them printed for you in an album or book form.
    They even have scrapbook ideas that you can create.

    We made it to about 9 PM?

  11. Nudge: to prod or push gently.
    Well, in that case, I guess my "nudge word" would have to be "move" as in keep moving. That's hard enough these days.

  12. That will be a fun project and great for your grands to have. Happy New Year to you and all your family!

  13. I watched the New Year in New York and went to bed. I hope this year is a better one the past one. We need to get our grands pictures organized as we at least keep them loosely in on album. I didn't take enough photos of them while they were here.

  14. I was trying to catch up on my 'homework' for Lab Rescue, so I was awake until midnight, but I'd had an afternoon nap, so that helped. Otherwise, I never would have made it. Take it from me, you didn't miss anything you wouldn't have seen on the news the next day. 😊

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Happy New Year!

  15. Photo Albums are a great idea! We went crazy and ordered all kinds of Dominos pizza products delivered to the table on our front porch. At our "party" at 6 pm, we gorged ourselves and went to bed. And had a whole day of leftovers.

  16. I don't even pretend to stay up any more. I did wake up, however, when the neighborhood fireworks went off. Then right back to sleep, and still the new year happened! :-)

  17. You knew your grands were all cutie pies! LOL


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