Friday, January 27, 2023


It is turning colder. Not unusual for this time of year...just a fact of life here in Minnesota.

This looks like a quilt that would be nice to snuggle into. 

Far Guy has three medical appointments today...normal stuff for him.  Scans and six minute walks and a Dr visit.  His weekly infusion went well yesterday...the nurses are getting better and faster and that cuts into my Hobby Lobby time...but I did get all the groceries! 

Far Side


  1. That quilt would keep me awake 😂😂

  2. The efficiency of the nurses is great for Far Guy - perhaps he'll go to Hobby Lobby with you?
    That quilt is lovely!

  3. Well, the groceries are important! :-)

  4. The quilt is like a happy day in the midst of any dreary winter days.
    Glad for Far Guy for the quicker infusions - - but a woman needs her Hobby Lobby time! Men don't understand it is not a store you just walk in and pick up what you need. It is a place to browse - - see new items - - be inspired with more creativity - - and just be "refreshed" because it is a very,, very fun store!!! It is a place you "get to go" and visit - - not one you "have to" like the grocery store. However we are blessed to be able to do both.

  5. I do like the quilt. I have never been in a Hobby Lobby, probably because I don't have any hobbies!

  6. Glad Far Guy's infusions are going well and quicker. So sorry about the decrease in your Hobby Lobby time!

  7. I'm sure that FG is happy that his infusion process is going more smoothly, and that you got groceries instead of crafting materials. :-)

  8. There's a system of cold weather right across Canada too.

  9. So glad to hear that far guy's infusions are getting better! Sorry for your shortened Hobby Lobby time though. I love that store! Yes here comes the winter cold.....hope it doesn't last too long. Have a good weekend you guys!

  10. I imagine any quilt would be nice to snuggle into when the weather turns cold, but that one looks particularly cozy :)

  11. Those walks ! I know about them. I admire FG's tenacity at everything he does and yours for being there for him.

    I love that quilt, it is so bright and cheery.

    Hmmm. I'd love a trip to Hobby Lobby but it's over an hour away! Maybe this spring?

  12. I've never see a quilt like that but very cute! Oh no, it cut into your Hobby Lobby time? Something will have to be done about that! Glad things are going well for Far Guy.


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