Wednesday, November 30, 2022

In the kitchen

 It was time to finish up those open shelves in the kitchen.  They get dusty.  They are clean now! 

The ruffly blue vase on the top shelf is from Norway.  It was a gift to my parents from Florence and Russ neighbors and friends for years.   These shelves are kinda a pain in the butt sometimes...however putting dishes away is easy. 

I am not sure where the cobwebs come from but they sure show up after the furnace has been on! 

Far Guy and I ran errands in the morning, we stopped to see my Dad in the home and then picked up some jelly making supplies.  We dropped off a few woodcarved ornaments in town and came home and made the last three batches of Chokecherry Jelly.  ( The chokecherry juice was frozen last summer when it was too hot to make jelly)

That makes seven batches of jelly so the pantry has jelly again and we can share with friends!  We got 21 jars from three did not seal so that one is in the fridge. 

Cross a couple more things off my list.  

We had a few snowflakes in the air in the afternoon. 

Far Side


  1. Cobwebs can appear fast. Just the other day I took one to the face in a doorway that I probably go through three or four times every week. It was large enough that it took a couple minutes to sweep it all down with a broom.

  2. So pretty to see your dishes on display but--yes--it must be a pain to clean.
    Lots of jelly again! Have a great day. :)

  3. Your dishware all matches! *grin*

    Open shelves would be the bane of my existence. The cat hair gets everywhere in my house (even with just one cat) so I'd be washing dishes constantly.

  4. It sounds like a productive day to me. I really like the looks of open sheving but wouldn't like to have to clean it all of the time. Yours is beautiful with all of the glassware.

  5. Beautiful shelves and dishes! As you know, open shelving is very popular in remodels these days.
    You all have been busy. Glad you are able to do it and keep crossing the items off the list. I need to up my game since our kids will be here to celebrate together in a couple of weeks. It is the best time since both families will be gone either the week before or during Christmas.

  6. The kitchen shelves look so good with all of your pretty blue dishes. That vase is gorgeous! I'm sure your pantry shelves look great too because jelly jars always look pretty. We had a dusting of snow yesterday morning but today is just sunny and cold, and the only snow remaining is in shady spots in the grass.

  7. Well, how lucky for you the jar did not seal. Biscuits and jelly time♥️

  8. Making jelly is very satisfying, and I miss it. I sealed the juice I made in jars; I wonder why I didn’t think of freezing it.

  9. I have some cobalt blue dishes also! Love your display

  10. Beautiful dishware! Since the German Shedder moved in I have nothing but hair and cobwebs. I know where it comes from, though! That's a lot of jelly, you and others will appreciate it.

  11. The shelves with the blue are very pretty. That is nice to have jelly in the pantry. I didn't get any strawberry/rhubarb made this summer but have lots of rhubarb in the freezer. I have been watching for strawberries, have you seen the prices? (crazy). I am going to check out the frozen strawberries and maybe go that route so that I can get some jam made.

  12. with the quantity of spider webs in my house, there cannot possibly be any more spider webs out there!

  13. Beautiful shelf & assortment! One good thing about dusting (only one lol) is you can appreciate each memorable piece up close <3

  14. I like the look of pretty dishes on open shelves but I'm sure they attract dust. And cobwebs. Apparently every cobweb was made by a spider. If so where are all those spiders hanging out in my house? I rarely see one. Granted, my eyesight isn't what it used to be.

  15. I don't dust all at once. I hit the areas when I notice them and then say I will do that next. My workshop is in awful shape from now clay dust and the stray times that I used the saw. I am sure that dust is working itself up to the top floor. I like all your blues.

  16. I cleaned off some shelves and their contents for our Thanksgiving - the dust and the cobwebs gather so quickly! We have a lot of spiders, so feel your pain. You have beautiful vases and dishes. I love blue!

  17. Wow! You are so energetic! I've always wondered about those open shelves when I see them on the home improvement shows. I wonder.....who dusts those? How often do you have to do that? How do you keep stuff neat enough for open shelves?

    I LOVE the ruffled vase. My husband has relatives in Norway too. Such a pretty place...they moved from Norway to MN, so who knows....maybe his grandfather knew some of your relatives!

  18. I love all of the blue in your kitchen.
    That's a whole lot of jelly. You're going to make some recipients very happy/

  19. I love all the blue dishes on your shelves. So pretty!
    Your chokecherry jelly looks great too. You sure do get a lot accomplished in a day! Glad you got to see your dad too! Hope he's doing OK.

  20. I love blue, and your collection looks very pretty :)

  21. Your shelves with all the blue glass is gorgeous. what a great feeling to look at all your jelly! I remember canning days and what a sense of satisfaction it was to see all those jars lines up. Good job!


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