Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Busy as a Beaver

 We finished painting the sauna, the paint held out and the rain held off until I was on the front side where there is a huge overhang. We took turns being on the ladder and no one fell!  

After a late lunch we went for a Ranger Blue ride to the hills.

View from the road to the tower. 

Far Side


  1. Happy to hear you finished the painting with no injuries to either of you. Do we get get to see the painted sauna?

  2. It appears the beaver is doing some renovations. Good job on getting done before the rain.

  3. Your world is lovely! Your photos are outstanding! Happy Fall!

  4. Love the look from those fall leaves. Ranger Blue is a blessing. I just have a 15 year old Mule, but he still starts and takes me around the place. Thankful for a ride as my knees are worn out.

  5. No rain here. Beautiful landscape you have.

  6. Another Fall chore checked off the list!

  7. Beautiful Fall colours!
    I'm glad neither of you fell off the ladder.

  8. Sounds like a good day - a project finished and some recreation.

  9. What fun to be out in your ranger and see all the colorful sites. Glad you got your sauna all painted too.

  10. Great scenic shot overlooking the forest.

  11. Yay! A very productive day and no injuries!!!

  12. Yes, it is crunch time in getting the fall stuff done (if you don't want to do it in the cold).

  13. It always amazes me how beavers pull down a whole tree so they get to the branches. Of course they can't crawl up trees so it is necessary. Two great photos.


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