Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Onward and forward

 No choice except to soldier on and make the best of everyday. 

Joe Pye Weed along a creek,

The only thing you can do for Lymes is take the antibiotics and rest.  I am doing that.  We live in the woods...ticks happen....deer and other animals spread them around.  We have a new camera system that made us aware of a wild kitty cat and a skunk. 

Far Side  


  1. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon.

  2. Get well, lots of rest to you! Hope to see you soon, maybe out on the trail or at the neighbors (the farm).

  3. This Lyme disease is going to force a quiet close to the summer for you. Hope you start feeling better soon.

  4. I caught a neighbor's dog on our trail cam and the next day a coyote in the day time. Odd.

    I did have the new neighbor's dogs get into our low hot wire around the goat's paddock and boy did they yelp. At least the owners came to the house when I called and showed remorse.

    I hope they keep their dogs at home and do not let them run again.
    Bad news when they pal up and chase my animals.

    Sorry you are feeling tough from Lyme's that is not fun at all.

  5. Wishing you a continued speedy recovery.

    Hopefully the wild cat and skunk don't tangle.

  6. I'm so sorry about your Lyme disease. It sounds awful! I just caught up with reading all your posts.
    I had to take more antibiotics when I got home. They told me to have an Activia each morning to restore the good bacteria that the antibiotics kill off and also to coat my stomach with some Ensure(I prefer Boost) before taking the pills. It worked too.
    I love your blanket and all your gorgeous yarn. I haven't tried Scheejps yarn.
    I'm just getting back to some handwork. I hope you recover soon!

  7. You’re doing everything you can at the moment. Use the recovery time to crochet on your beautiful projects. Be well, my friend.

  8. I hope you can get a quick turn around on this. I know we can be survivors but sometimes we just hate it. I went to a family reunion and saw younger guys than me that are net doing as well as me with the aging thing. I do think resting is not a crime and it is just as healing as anything.

  9. I'll have to check out Joe Pye weed and see if we have it.

  10. If resting and antibiotics is what works, then that's what you'll do. Nothing is more important for you and these dog days of summer are the right time to do it.
    We can find Joe Pye Weed in nurseries here. It is not native here but is used in perennial borders.

  11. Do rest and keep on taking those antibiotics! Thank you for soldiering on and making new posts when you feel so bum! Know that many prayers are going up for you, Connie. May you be feeling much better soon.


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