Sunday, July 24, 2022


 I took some photos over at Spirit Lake.  

They added some resting benches along the lake so I sat a spell until the Deer Flies found me.  Oh those buggers can bite.

We had a quiet day on Saturday Far Guy putzed in his garage and woodcarved...he managed to cut a finger but didn't need stitches or bleed to he managed to cut through a steel glove and a layer of vet wrap is beyond me.   He really needs to see a hand surgeon to see if anything can be done for the finger that had the severed tendon years ago in another knife was surgically repaired but was never really "normal" and is now causing him pain.  I just splinted it and he says it feels better. 

I am working on a baby blanket, hope to finish it up soon.  I finished watching Ozark on Netflix.  I enjoyed that series very much...I give it a 9 ...a little less emphasis on the F word would have gotten it a 10...and many of the night scenes were really dark and it was hard to tell who was who and what was happening.   Not sure what I will watch next...I think Virgin River has some new episodes.  

Partially is further along now.  This is mosaic crochet and a variety of patterns from Winter Wonderland ( still in progress) and Geometrics...I wanted to use variegated yarn...not sure yet if it was a good idea or not but I am using it up! 

Far Guy cooked...Steak Enchiladas...of course the meat was left over from the last batch so I threw it in the crockpot for him.  I should have saved the easy prep for  a night I was cooking!

Far Side



  1. Sorry about Far Guy's finger. Hope it really is as OK as he's claiming and heals up as much as that particular finger can soon.

  2. The mosaic is gorgeous! And the photo of the lake looks so serene - darn deer flies.
    Hope Far Guy takes your suggestion and talks to the doc about his finger.

  3. Ack! Deer and Horse Fly bites are the worst! I get huge welts that itch for weeks. Love your crochet project: it’s beautiful.

  4. Love the blanket, Connie.... and I sure do wish my hubby cooked. He doesn't know how to work the stove, the oven, or the washing machine. I'm going to stay at oldest daughter's house in August, when they're gone to Disney World for 10 days, to watch the pets. The scenario back home here ought to be interesting! *evil grin* ~Andrea xoxo

  5. It’s remarkable how much modern tv is apparently made in darkness. My husband is always moaning about it. I don’t get as annoyed as he does, but it ruins the plot if you can’t see who did what when.
    Have you tried The Brokenwood Mysteries? Set in New Zealand, mostly in daylight.
    I feel for Far Guy. I have an annoying new pain at the base of my middle finger on my left hand. Nothing seems to have any effect.

  6. Make sure you include a note attached to all your mosaic crochet to tell the folks who are getting them that , that is what it is called, for future reference. It looks so cool. I love it every time I see what you are doing. I also really like those colors.
    Tell FG he needs those fingers and to quit trying to cut them off. ;)

  7. Gorgeous colors & blanket pattern! I cut a tendon & ligament in my finger 32 yrs ago (long story) and had surgery within 24 hrs. Not fun. My finger is not "normal" either, but they fixed what they could. Hope Far Guy can get some relief, so he can continue doing projects he enjoys.

    All of our carry out/meals out count as my nights of "cooking" :)

  8. You are so good at choosing colors for your projects. The water in tranquil

  9. I am still fighting with my new expensive store so I am in constant search of slow cooker recipes. I found one today for lasagna. Your dinner sounds pretty good! I am over old fingers. I am cleaning closets today and feeling sorry/mad at myself for all the projects I don't think I can do anymore. I had three trigger finger surgeries and if I start projects, my hand starts to freeze. Plus the arthritis - waaa waa waa I guess I need some whine and cheese.

    Lovely view!!!

  10. Glad to hear you were able to fix FG's ouchie, pretty much. Nice picture of the lake, too. :-)

  11. I remember the bites of deer flies. They really take a big bite.

  12. I got one of those fly bites on my scalp when I was in Pennsylvania one June, and I didn't think it would ever stop itching and hurting. Ugh.
    Your crochet work is always so skillful and beautiful.

  13. Sorry to hear about far guy's finger....hope it mends OK...sounds like the other one will need looking at too! I like the taking turns cooking idea....I wonder if I could talk my hubby into that!

  14. "Ozarks" looks like the Ozarks but it wasn't filmed here. Some exterior scenes were probably shot here but most of it was filmed in Georgia. Go figure. I quit watching it because of the violence and the language and Richard kept watching until there was one too many murders and he quit too. Beautiful blanket.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie