Thursday, July 28, 2022

Busy Day Wednesday

Virtual appointment in the morning, some laundry, I met a long time blog reader Kay from Kansas in the afternoon over at her beautiful place on Potato Lake.  I had a very nice visit and the opportunity to pet both of her dogs!  On the way home I stopped at my parents, they were on their way out to a fish fry with old friends from I walked them to their vehicle.  Dad gave me a hug but there was no smile to go with I am sure he did not know who I was.    I did some grocery shopping for some hard to find items and came home and made supper.  After supper we took Ranger Blue to do recycling and took a ride around the block....a country block is 4 miles:)

Rainbow and clouds

After we got home I wandered through one of the wild gardens. 

Black eyed Susans.

My ever vigilant husband locked up for the night.  Apparently he was talking to me and I was not answering ( nothing new about that) didn't dawn on him that I was still outside.  I would have been locked out!  However my other baby brother and she who sees robins first stopped by for a visit...she had jury duty yesterday but the case was settled and she got released.  I am very jealous of her getting called for jury duty...I have never been called...that and her hair is turning the most beautiful shades of silver.  I have been working on this grey hair thing for years...and she just started going silver during covid and is way ahead of me! ( Far Guy is helpful...he says he will work harder at helping my hair get more grey.)

Far Side 


  1. That is so nice of Far Guy to offer to help your hair turn grey! Hahaha I have been called for jury duty 3 times and my hubby has never been called - go figure.

  2. Although I've been called many times, I only sat on a jury once, for two days. It was quite an experience, and they don't know what they are missing by not having YOU on a jury. I hope you do get called someday. :-)

  3. I had to chuckle this morning while reading your post - especially your husband being willing to help get your hair grey. LOL My husband has always blamed living in a household full of females for his hair loss. Maybe . . .

    I'm sure it's so difficult when your dad doesn't recognize you. Hugs!!

  4. LOL, happy to hear you weren't locked out. The rainbow photo is lovely!

  5. You had a full day. It's fun to meet someone you've known online. I have been grey since I was about 45.

  6. That was a good giggle!
    I was locked out one night. sigh.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  7. You did have a busy day, Connie. I love the photos you posted. As for the grey hair, you can a few of my strands if you want. *lol* ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Fun post. I remember those "country blocks".
    I have been called for jury duty too many times. For the last one I begged out because to would have been too uncomfortable to sit in a hard chair all day waiting to see if I was needed. I think they finally gave up on me.

  9. The rainbow shot is so wonderful. My doctor gave me a written excuse that said I was dead meat and don't call on me anymore.

  10. I keep a house key in my garden shed in case I get locked out. IF I get locked out while I'm in the front yard I'm at the mercy of my mostly deaf husband unless I have my phone on me and I call my DIL.
    Nice rainbow picture.

  11. I didn't need any help with my hair turning grey. I had enough grey hairs when I was in my thirties, but at least I wasn't in the same situation as a young man I worked with years ago. He was in his early 20's and already had a big bald spot on top of his head. I've been called to jury duty several times over the years (the most recent was last year) but was always excused before I had to report.

  12. Tell far guy that the color is Silver....not gray. :) Glad you didn't get locked out. Your ranger ride sounded fun. Thanks for the rainbow....I always love to see those beautiful gifts from God.

  13. I'm sorry about your dad not knowing you. dementia is so hard on everyone.

  14. You covered a lot of territory on your busy day.

  15. Busy lady!
    I had to laugh over the grey hairs. The gal who cuts my hair said people wish for the bright silvery shiny streaks of grey I have. I frown of course, but the bright shine of silver paired with the fading color of my dark hair is sort of neat, I guess.

    FG is funny.

  16. Don’t you wonder why it was named Potato Lake? I do! Maybe shaped like a spud? It must be hard when your dad doesn’t recognize you. My mom’s memory is slowing down and it is sad.

  17. Once I had a County Clerk who knew me well. I got called to jury duty as often as I could have it. It’s supposed to be random. I am Doubtful of that. I don’t know the clerk now and I haven’t been selected in 15 years. I have even been selected for federal jury duty. I have served on a trial. Several times I knew them or a close relative and that got me off. I got paid 25 bucks but I had to give it to my school because they did not dock me for those days.


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