Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Yellow Blooms

 Found the first of the smallest  yellow Lady Slippers in our area.  This very nice clump is on one of the roads we take in the evenings. 

Yesterday I had an Eye Doctor appointment.  He loves to dilate my eyes, so much so that it takes the rest of the day to get back to normal.  My eyesight has changed a bit but not much, 20 20 and 20 15.   I have to go back for some more tests....field of vision and another one that I cannot recall the name of.  My "night driving glasses" need to be updated.  I do not use them often but when I do I want to be able to see through them! 

I will take the reading glasses script to Wally World and get some new reading glasses.   It has been several years since they have been updated. 

Cross something off my list and add a few more appointments...

My shoulder is still sore, but I was able to mow the lawn again and help with supper.   I partially watched Dark Shadows on Netflix , I give the music a 10 and what I saw of the show a 2.  I slept through most of it. 

Far Side


  1. The yellow Lady Slippers sure are pretty. Getting new glasses is always a pain in the neck. My eye doctor also loves dilating my eyes which take forever to get back to normal. I have refused the dilation a couple of times which irritates him. Hope your shoulder gets better real soon. Back in the late 1960's I faithfully watched Dark Shadows on TV. It was my favorite daytime soap opera.

  2. I have a week and a half before my eye appointment. I suspect it will be my last week and a half without bifocals.

  3. Not sure if you would be interested, but we occasionally use Tubi. I use the desktop one but you can get an app. It is free & has some pretty good stuff on there. We watched a 1980 movie that we remembered from the past called The Final Countdown. Still pretty good.

  4. I am impressed at how quickly your shoulder is improving. I read about a wound needing packing and the dressing changes did not sound comfortable.
    So very thankful your eyesight is doing well. I have some yellow clip-on "shades" to wear at night to help with glare. I am impressed how well they work. On the flip side (cuz they can flip up and down), I drive as little as possible in the dark.

  5. Those lady slippers are so pretty! Glad to hear your shoulder is getting better quickly.

  6. Oh, such pretty slippers. We missed seeing ours probably by about 2 weeks. Karen

  7. I also have problems with my eyes dilated lasting too long and when I told the eye doctor he said he could do a half dose so that is what I had. Still lasted a while but not as bad as a full dose and still served his purposes.

  8. You probably need to baby that shoulder for awhile and not try to do too much. I haven't seen Dark Shadows in years. My Mom used to watch the soap opera when I was a little girl. It scared me a lot.
    Dennis was going to mow both yards today because it's to be the only "cool" day all week but we had hard rain all night long and it will take awhile to dry.
    Take care you two.

  9. Those wild flowers are pretty. I need to make an eye appointment, I keep putting it off. I cancelled Netflix this month, I just never watched it. I remember watching the TV show Dark Shadows in the 60s!

  10. The Lady slippers are so pretty! I've not seen them in the wild here, but there are domesticated perennials that some gardeners have in their flower beds.

    Glad you're feeling a little better.

  11. Dark Shadows is a cult classic. Back in its hayday it was a 10+, for sure. Now it's kind of hokey, I suppose, but it's exactly the type of hokey I enjoy. I've watched the whole series via Amazon Prime and I'm getting ready to watch it again. I'm so happy you're feeling better and making progress with your shoulder little by little. It's good to get those medical appointments out of the way too, isn't it. ~Andrea xoxo

  12. The lady slippers are so cool! They were always one of my favourites as a child!

  13. I just love your Lady Slippers. We have nothing like them here. Not on the farm our in our woods.

  14. Our lady slippers are all pink!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  15. The lady slippers are so delicate and beautiful. I’ve never seen them in yellow.

  16. Pretty lady slippers!
    Glad you are on the mend.
    My next-door neighbor, Linda, loved Dark Shadows and raced home to watch it. I never could get into it...even trying and watching it with her and all her explanations and enthusiasm. I tried a few years ago thinking it would be different for me now--still was boring to me--LOL!

  17. We used to watch Dark Shadows in the after school bus room when I was in 5th and 6th grade. My bus would always come before the last scene so I would have to catch up on the playground the next day. We thought it was so dark and sophisticated. I am sure any re-watching would not live up to my memories.

  18. The Lady Slippers are very lovely. I remember some from the prairies but they were larger ( but way fewer flowers) and a few shades darker. ( if I remember right).
    Good to know your shoulder is healing.

  19. Glad you're on the mend, and were able to cross another appointment off the list.

  20. Catching up on all your posts- nice to see your flowers both planted and wild. Hope you heal up quickly and that Dr. Far Guy does a good job changing the dressings.

  21. I love seeing the Lady Slippers! We don't have them around here. I also hate getting my eyes dilated. It takes all day for mine to go back to normal and gives me an awful headache. It's good you have your Eye Doctor appointment behind you now. I hope your shoulder improves soon!

  22. So pretty! Well, not the shoulder part, but I'm glad that's on the mend.

  23. What unusual flowers. I looked them up and discovered they are actually orchids. You learn something new every day!

  24. They lady slippers are such a fascinating flower. You got a good shot of a good collection of them. I remember seeing them with only five or six stems of them. Glad the grass needs to be mowed as it means you are past winter now.

  25. Oh, you know I love the Lady Slippers! Those are wonderful. I envy anyone who gets to see them in the wild.

  26. Very pretty lady slippers! They look perfect!

  27. Nice clump of yellow lady slippers. they do well in disturbed areas.

  28. I love the yellow and the pink lady slippers. Hope your shoulder is feeling a little bit better with every day! Dark Shadows? Is it the one we watched when we were kids with Angelique and Barnabus and the gang? We loved it back then....along with American Bandstand.

  29. Love those Lady Slippers! Wish we had some growing around us.

  30. I've never seen that wild flower. How pretty! I hope your shoulder continues to improve now that you are on antibiotics.

  31. Lovely lady slippers! Your eyesight sounds good.


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