Monday, June 6, 2022


 We can now escape the skeeters....they are vicious. 

Now that I know what I am doing, I can take it down if the weather is bad.  I have stakes on the inside and stakes and ropes on the outside.   It was a learning experience for me. 

We set it up in front of the house...that was so not working...picture two stooges trying to roll it to the East side of the house.  It is devoid of have to take one from the patio and return it when you are done.

It is a Clam Quick Set Escape outdoor tent.  I have not compensated in any way. 

In their video one man sets it up and takes it is important to have no wind and feel really strong!  Two old fart stooges can do it as long as they communicate. 

Far Side


  1. Excellent idea for sitting outside in the Summer. No "skeeters".

  2. I wish I had one of those at our outdoor orchestra concert last night. Felt like I was waving all the time at gnats and mosquitoes.

  3. Wow that is neat but at the same time tough! Glad the two of you can set things up and take it down together.

    Our yard has no flat spots so I doubt this would work here. :)

    When I was a kid, playing at my cousin's place was always a bug game. They had two swamps near their house! Bugs!

    My headnet comes along with me now on every walk!

  4. That looks great! I look forward to hearing how well it works. :-)

  5. We love our clam for camping. Ours has sides you can individually roll up or down. Enjoy.

  6. I had to laugh as I read this. "Two old far stooges!" I do understand though. We've seen many campers throught the years try to put those things up. I like the looks of yours a lot better than most though. The mosquitoes won't get you there.

  7. What a good option to able to sit outside and avoid the bugs. So far, knock wood, the mosquitos haven't been bad but I suspect they'll be a nuisance soon.

    Well done you two!

  8. I commend you both, Connie, and give you both a standing ovation!! Good for you. I hope you and Far Guy get a lot of use out of your new "escape tent". ~Andrea xoxo

  9. That enclosure is a necessity in your area! I know you’ll get a lot of use out of it.

  10. That really looks nice and inviting! A great place to relax and enjoy nature. Gigi Hawaii

  11. I can tell that setting this up was a lot of fun!

  12. This will make time outside enjoyable. I love evening on the screened porch. Can it be moved close to the house so it's almost a screened porch?

  13. I bet you need an engineering degree to put that up. But if you escape the gnats and mosquitos it wii be worth it.

  14. That should prove to be very useful!!

  15. That is a darn good idea! We can sit outdoors near the house, but the lawn, wowsers.

  16. Sandra, It is pretty close to the house. The front of the house has a Patio made of pavers so it would not work there.

  17. The key to this set-up is two old fart stooges communicating in a positive & loving way!!! From 53 years of experience, that is not always the case!! Enjoy your skeeter-proof outdoor sitting!

  18. Perfect spot! I would be afraid to attempt set up with my husband. Our marriage barely makes it through putting up Christmas lights together. We work better seperately on projects, LOL. I want to hold it together for at least 4 more years until our 50th.

  19. Hmm we have been discussing doing the same thing - some days they are bad more during the day than at night! Darn Things!

  20. WE have skeeters all summer in the evening. I wish I had a screened porch. How do you keep the bugs from following you in there? You must have to be quick.

  21. Glad you can still enjoy the outdoors without the bugs!

  22. I read somewhere that diluted peppermint oil is supposed to deter them. I need to try that. They think I am Filet Mignon.

  23. oh, my, sitting here with tears in my eyes...about two stooges...that would so be me and Roger. I can just imagine it all. WE got till we started laughing before we started doing a lot of things cause we knew how it was going to go.

  24. It looks like a good solution. Just don't get caught in it during the wind is blowing it around. I think of those kids play items that get lifted up off of the ground.


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