Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Cool Beginning

 June!  Yeah...but it is cool here...the high was 60 F or 16 C eh! and we won't see 70 F for at least a week if you can believe the weatherman.   Yesterday it drizzled rain most of the day.  We recycled and went to the transfer station with garbage. 

Far Guy is not feeling great...allergies...pollen...all make him very short of breath.   I have at least one eye on him!   We have decided on the woodcarved ornament for Christmas 2022, it needs a bit of tweaking yet.  I am not sure how much help carving I will be as my thumb is still recovering from surgery. 

The yard is fun of dandys and as soon as it dries up I will be busy mowing.  The  mosquitoes are awful.   We have two pair of Indigo Buntings that visit our yard every to watch. 

Far Side


  1. June here started much cooler than yesterday - high was 88 degrees. This morning it is 63 with a high of 71. Pollen is in full bloom. Hope Far Guy feels better soon.

  2. We are cool here, but it's normal for us. It looks like we might get our first 70s of the season this week! :-)

  3. The allergies seem to be especially bad this year, even for folks who aren't usually bothered. I'm praying that Far Guy breathes better soon. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. Our weather is cool too. I love it! Especially after the heat of the last week. All of the windows are open and I'm listening to the birdsong as i write this. I haven't encountered any mosquitoes as yet. I hope Far Guy is soon on the mend. The pollen is definitely high this year.
    I excited to see the beautiful ornament for this year. They are always so perfect.

  5. My neighbor has been seeing Indigo Buntings, but he has a back yard designed for birding and his photography business. He's been posting amazing pictures of the Buntings, some Orioles, and several types of birds lately that I've never heard of.

    Cool here this week too. I'm ready to switch back to heat this morning as it's so cold in the house.

  6. My goodness! The pollen has me sneezing and my nose running like crazy so I can only imagine how hard it would be for FG.
    Mowing. Love/hate relationship with grass.

    Perhaps a body suit of skeeter netting is in store??

  7. Spring seems to be hanging on by it's fingernails. We had a frost advisory for much of the province last night, though it only went down to 2C (36F) here. I haven't planted anything yet but they'll have to go in the containers soon.

    Hope Far Guy's allergies ease soon.

  8. Our pollen is awful, too. So hard on people. We went from 55 to 90 like a state patrol was chasing us! Stifling hot. Tonight we are supposed to get showers and the temperature will nosedive again. I am sure we will have weather warnings.

  9. We had the same weather yesterday. It will be 67 today, I'll also be mowing this afternoon. Mosquitos haven't made an appearance yet, but they will.

  10. I am with you in welcoming June! The month, not your snowbank ;) The yellow conifer pollen is so thick it coats our driveway. My eyes starting itching today. Eye drops aren't doing much. I will be resorting to a cold wash cloth soon, after I finish outside stuff.

  11. Dandelions are such pretty signs of spring, and then suddenly there are too many and they become weeks. Good pollinators though, if it is warm enough to have bees, which we usually don't.

  12. I wonder how effective (and comfortable) those netting hoods and jackets are. Those would help protect you from voracious mosquitoes when you mow.
    Unfortunately no such protection from allergies.

  13. Allergy season is in full swing everywhere. It's no fun. At least it's not overly hot with it - yet.

  14. I hope Far Guy feels better soon. Pollen can easily set off problems. It has been so bad here that we sometimes run our air just so we can keep the house closed up.

  15. The dandies are at their peak in the spring.

  16. Lucky you.....two pair of Indigo Buntings! Hope far guy will be feeling better soon!

  17. This time of the year is also tough on my wife. Her cough is rough and often. Lots of stuff in the air. I have a spare dandelion bloom once in awhile.

  18. I hope FarGuy can stay indoors as much as possible with all this pollen. Been in the 60s here. Last two days have been gorgeous sunny days but windy. Now I think the rabbits might be eating the geranium buds, too. Oh well. Spring. ;)

  19. It is cooler than usual here but still warms up to 80's which is too hot! I hope Far Guy is okay. Dang those skeeters! Spray yourself before you go out!


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