Thursday, June 9, 2022

Car Show

 We attended one of the first car shows for the summer.    I got back from Up North, had a nap and we took off. 

Far Guys shirt says " Nobody is perfect but if you drive a Desoto you're pretty damn close"    It was a nice night for an outing.  The temperature might have hit 70 F and it was breezy so the skeeters were not a problem.

Far Guy hung the old drive in theater speaker in the window...he has a Bose speaker inside that plays 50's tunes from his phone. 

Far Side


  1. Looks like a nice evening to get out and have some fun.

  2. How are Far Guy & your parents doing?

  3. What a fun day. Dave and I haven't gone to a car show in ages. I've heard a rumor they do a big one around here somewhere so I'll have to check it out

  4. I bet your new old car brought a lot of oohs and aahs from the attendees. The theater speaker was a nice touch!

  5. Great way to spend a spring day! You brought a smile when you said Far Guy hung an old drive-in speaker in the window. That's great!! Love it. Have fun

  6. I LOVE old car shows. I talk to all of the folks and ask questions about their cars. I even throw in a story or two of my own if I see an AMC Gremlin or Delta 88 Oldsmobile.

  7. Car Show people are the coolest!!! That includes you & Far Guy, most of all, Connie!! :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  8. What a fun way to end the day. I just heard someone talking about a new drivein theater outside of town. We may have to check that out someday soon.
    Thank you for the tips about the bleeding hearts. They're still blooming somewhat so I'll but them back once they're finished.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. It was the perfect weather for it. :)

  10. What a neat idea! Music perfect for the car! And the car show

  11. Fun! I do love 50's - 60's era cars and music. But then I'm old. :-)

  12. Glad you were able to attend the car show. Sounds like you had fun.

  13. FUN! Far Guy looks great against that Desota. The location looked like a great spring/summer evening. The Sota looks in top condition.

  14. I do like the look of old cars like these ones

  15. After reading this I decided to look up any local car shows to get hubby out of the house. I hope I can convince him to go next week!

    Looks great!

  16. I love seeing all the old cars...especially yours and Far Guy's! Love his shirt too! Love that first pic you posted...a beautiful view!

  17. Sounds like a lot of fun. The fact that there weren't mosquitoes is a bonus.

  18. Sounds like the perfect evening! Great temperatures, bright and sunny, breezy (no skitters) and some gorgeous cars!!! And I have to believe that anyone who owns one of these beauties must be a fun person to hang out with.

  19. Looks like a fun time with nice weather and a great sweatshirt!


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