Saturday, June 11, 2022

59 Weeks

Ha! 59 weeks... that is over a year that this project has been in the works.  

This is my Patchwork Mosaic Crochet that I began on April 23, 2021. 

 I put it on the couch to take a photo. it is a very large afghan.   It will fit on a queen size bed.  Right now I am very tired of these colors so I will put the whole thing away. 

It is totally reversible as the back is pretty also. 

Nice to have a WIP ...Work In Progress completed. 

Now I can begin the next project that is waiting in the work basket! 

Far Side


  1. Oooooh Connie, that is simply beautiful! Well worth the wait, in my view. Gorgeous!! I'd bring it out in autumn as the colors are perfect for that season. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. I love that the back is as pretty as the front! You are to be commended for completing a project of that magnitude!

  3. Lovely! You have sparked my interest in Mosaic crochet. I have watched a few You tube videos. Want to try a small project this fall.

  4. It is gorgeous! I understand how you get tired of the colors after working on it for so long. I'm getting tired of the giant granny square too. What's next?

  5. It's a beautiful finish! I get tired of working with the same colors for a long time too, which is why I especially like sampler types of quilts where the color and block design changes often.

  6. Just incredible! The patterns are so lovely. Whoever gets to use it is a very lucky person.

  7. It is so beautiful Connnie! Absolutely amazing! I had no idea that the back was just as pretty as the front. I can only imagine the patience it took to complete. Fall would be a perfect time for those colors.
    I'm looking forward to hearing what your next project.

  8. It's huge! You'll like the colors again come autumn. My grandma crocheted, she was a real pro, but I never learned. It's a mystery to me how you do that.

  9. Gorgeous afghan/blanket! Bravo for finishing it in just over a year - quite an accomplishment.

  10. As someone else said, the colours of your lovely afghan are perfect for Fall.

  11. Really grand! I imagine you are sick of the colors but they look great! :)

  12. It is stunning! You have every reason to be proud of that completed project. Congratulations on your beautiful finish!

  13. What a beauty. Worthy of entering in a state or county fair, if yours have a needlework category.

  14. TA DA! It is gorgeous. I can understand getting tired of the colors, but WOW what a great job!

  15. very nice. Fun and sometimes sad to finish up a long time project. Until the next one!>

  16. Your projects always turn out so beautifully, Connie. I love the colors and designs of this one....Great Job! Can't wait to see what you're doing next!

  17. I have really enjoyed your progress on this project! I love all the different patterns. I think you will enjoy it this winter after having it out of sight for a while, LOL

  18. Your crochet work is magnificent. I can imagine snuggling up in it and appreciating all the hard work and effort it took to make it. Well done :)

  19. That is an amazing project and I can understand you wanting to swap up to some different colors!

  20. It's always so exciting to finish a big project! And that was a really big project! It's beautiful.

  21. Congratulations on finally being done with it.

  22. I love the back side, too. I bet that will be so warm and snuggly in winter.

  23. I am just now seeing this. Your work is amazing. It also amazes me that the back is SO different from the front . Both beautiful.
    I love it. Thanks for sharing. Beth

  24. That is a work of art! Just love it.

  25. Hey listen. My monitor colors must be way off. That quilt would make me happy all year long. I don't see fall at all!

  26. It is a wonderful art work with all the detailed designed squares. You worked hard on this one too.


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