Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day 2022

 We made it to a few cemeteries to put out some flowers. 

My Paternal Grandmother is a Gold Star Mother, the flag and the red white and blue flowers are hers.  Her son Arthur died May 20 1944 during the Invasion of Italy...that would have been 78 years ago.  

Far Side


  1. Wow that is something. I noted that quite a few of my husband's family had served in different wars when we got out to a couple of cemeteries
    on Friday.
    I even found headstones honoring those who served in the Civil War.

    There is so much history to be seen just by reading headstones.

  2. I will make it to a local cemetery today to honor the fallen. Thank you for the reminder of your grandmother's sacrifice, so long ago it is still remembered. Sending you lots of virtual hugs.

  3. This cemetery looks so peaceful, Connie. God bless your Grandmother... I can't imagine the heartache of losing a son to war. She certainly wasn't alone though, was she. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. Did you see the PBS Memorial Day Concert last night? I think that it is wonderful to watch every year. One family there lost two sons in just 8 months. It's heart breaking. I can't even imagine.
    May God bless your Grandmother in the loss of her son. I'm she's with him again now in Heaven.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. The cemeteries look so pretty this weekend with all of the flowers. I haven't been back to my parents' graves in Minnesota for 4 years. Guess it's time to get back there.

  6. God Bless those who sacrificed everything to secure our freedom.

  7. A member of my genealogy chapter did a presentation about her grandmother's brother who lost his life in Italy in WW2. It was a tragic event that had affected her family members lives for all time. They did not have a lot of information, just a few telegrams. She was able to obtain all the records from the National Archives, including statements from fellow soldiers. It is something I will never forget. Some really did give all and so did their families.

  8. That is such a peaceful picture. My uncle, my Dad's brother, had his plane shot down over the English Channel in WWII. There is no grave for him but he is not forgotten by any of us.

  9. My paternal grandparents were fortunate, they had 4 sons, 3 were in WWII and one, the youngest, in Korea. They all came home.

  10. The cemetery is certainly well-maintained. The love of family endures forever.

  11. We haven't made it to any cemeteries this year. We'll just honor the fallen in absentia. Thank you for your faithfulness.

  12. Thank you for visiting cemeteries and putting out flowers. That is a beautiful and serene cemetery pictured.

  13. I'm glad you got out there. We have done that some years, but this year we just didn't. Though we talked about doing it. We took daffodils out to husband's parents last month, but we need to visit them again.

  14. We are going to try to make a cousin's reunion this summer so we will visit the cemetery then. Some years we just don't go to visit.

  15. What a peaceful cemetery!
    Glad you made it out with the flowers.


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