Friday, May 27, 2022

Double Flowering Plum

 Everything is just a little late blooming this year. 

The Double Flowering Plum is finally blooming. 

Last year these blooms appeared May everything is about ten days behind last year.   It gets no plums...just blooms. 

Oh well at least there are pretty blooms to enjoy as the rest of the world is filled with hate and discontent.

Far Side


  1. Beautiful blossoms. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  2. You are right, much better to concentrate on the beauty around us rather than the awfulness of the news.

  3. It is lovely! Our magnolia is in bloom. So pretty!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  4. So pretty. I had never heard of this plant.

  5. I think we're about ten days behind as far as shrubs blooming too; ( and temperatures below normal for the end of May).

  6. I'd say we are at least a week behind in our blooms too. That plum is gorgeous!

  7. Well, now I know what the shrub in my yard is...a double flowering plum. All these years I didn't know. thanks.

  8. Yes, we have to appreciate beauty when we find it.

  9. Thank goodness for the beauty in the world. We need it more than ever now! Your flowering plum is gorgeous!

  10. Those are beautiful! I agree with you!

  11. A lovely color. My iris have started to bloom, before I have their beds cleared. We are behind 10-14 days. I try hard to look at the good I have, because I have no idea where any of this is going.

  12. Spring blooms are a favorite!! I felt like everything was a bit late for us in Virginia - But then I'm behind too, so what do I know? 😊

  13. I think your blooms are beautiful and everything is late this year here too. I do have some iris blooming right now though.
    I can barely stand to look at any news updates anymore. I just take quick glances and then go to more happy things. I just don't know how much more people can take. Rolling black-outs predicted for the entire summer, not much food by fall and fuel could be non-existent for most of us. The news gets worse and worse. I turn to the Lord and His faithfulness. The best answer for everything.

  14. That is so pretty! There will be no plums on the plum tree here either. The frost got them.

  15. I always feel it is the little things, like the enjoyment of pretty flowers, that make living in this world worth while. Enjoy your day :)

  16. Ooh double flowering plum is beautiful. I wonder if they have a beautiful scent too. I love spring and the smell of peonies and lilies of the valley especially!

  17. They're proof of beauty in this world. :) :)

  18. Yes, the blooming flowers of spring offer renewal to the world...if it wishes to receive it. I live for those blooms some years. ~Andrea xoxo

  19. You said it! We have to focus on the beauty God gives us to soothe all the pain in the world. Those are beautiful blossoms.

  20. Ten days or more we are also behind. I see photos of past blogs of things that are still in buds this year. Peonies are late this year for sure as they missed Memorial Day.

  21. So pretty! I wonder why it doesn't produce fruit - perhaps it is an ornamental only.


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