Friday, May 13, 2022

Birds of Color

 Two Indigo Buntings! 

I noticed a pair of Robins, a male and a female...he was standing watch whilst she bathed so hard that water flew out of the bird bath, she then flew off and he took his turn....IF she took over a watch for him she did it from a tree and not next to the bird bath.

In the evening the Orioles visited the feeder that has oranges and grape jelly. 

There were about five Orioles fighting for spots....all males females so these must be the scouts. 

It was chilly outside and we have thunderstorm warnings, wind warnings, hail warnings and tornado warnings.    South of us it is warm and North of us is the cooler air.

Far Side


  1. Such beautiful birds in your yard, Connie! We have thunderstorm warnings for tomorrow (Saturday). I hope we do get rain as everything's so dry out there. Have a good weekend. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. Blue, yellow, orange! Birds are so colorful & cheery just a'singing away this time of year!!

  3. Beautiful birds! I need to get outside and fill up the birdbath. I still feel so crummy I'm just laying around doing nothing.
    We had bad storms yesterday afternoon and evening that moved northeast. I wonder if those are the ones you're having today?

  4. Lovely! I saw my first humming bird, and a bright yellow finch yesterday. No orioles though. I really need to get them a feeder to attract them to the yard. They don't stay here, they just pass through

  5. Those indigo birds!!! So beautiful. Thanks for sharing all the antics going on in your yard. Stay Safe!

  6. Such beautiful colors! I bet it’s fun to watch them.

  7. Now the season for bird watching is at its best I think. A little later than normal but no one seems to be having "normal" weather this year.

  8. I never see such beautiful birds. We had more storms last night but nothing like the night before. It's supposed to stay dry for a few days, that would help in getting things done outside.

  9. You have such pretty, colorful bird visitors! But I guess it's only fair since you have to wait so long for flowers.

  10. I love all the colorful birds! We are just beginning to get a variety of birds. I hope the tornados stay away. I've lived in the tornado belt all my life and they can sure put you on edge. It seems like they are showing up in more places than they used to these days. I hope you've had a good day and enjoyed those beautiful birds!

  11. Our northwest Iowa storms headed your way. I saw it on the map. The buntings are beautiful. The orioles fly through here so fast to get to Minnesota and Canada. Our house finches have a great song and that is the best we get right now in our area. I could only wish for bluebirds and goldfinches.

  12. the birds make things enjoyable with all the bad weather in the area.

  13. Aren't your birds gorgeous! I love the pictures of them all. You are so blessed to have these birds in your yard. Thank you for the bird feeders, the bird bath and pictures. You are such good souls. Nature sings because of people like you....and God smiles.

  14. What a dreadful weather forecast! I hope you - and the birds - will remain safe through it all. Mxx

  15. Awesome birds! I have been trying to get the Orioles to come back. I think they may have moved on already.

  16.! Look at those beautiful birds!
    Yikes on the warnings. We had those too but apparently they traveled your way.

  17. Beautiful birds! We hear Baltimore Orioles but so far none have availed themselves of the oranges and jelly we put out. But we've made a couple of grey catbirds very happy. The robins taking a bath must have been quite a sight!

  18. Beautiful birds! I saw my first baltimore oriole on our farm the other day but I am afraid to put out any treats for him because of the cats :-(.

  19. You’ve had an interesting variety of birds visiting. When we return from Colorado in a couple of days I’m planning to put out some grape jelly to attract the orioles. Our neighbor is a “birder” and also a professional photographer. He has been sharing what new birds are arriving and orioles have shown up this past week.

  20. You get the most colorful birds!
    We had a bit of thunder here. Didn't last long.
    Hope you have a really great weekend. :)

  21. You have such beautiful birds visit you. I saw on the weather that you were in for some nasty storms. I hope you fared alright.

  22. The orioles at my house (orchard orioles and Baltimore) packed up and left when the grape jelly ran out and I was not able to buy any in town because there wasn't any. I'll stock up at the end of summer for next year. One day this week I had indigo bunting, cardinals and gold finch all at the same time -- primary colors.

  23. JOY! Just looking at these marvelous birds says JOY!

  24. Oh my goodness, what pretty birds to have stopping by for a visit! 💖


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