Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 Changing the time is always hard on me, I get a headache, body aches and I want to nap non stop.  How can one lousy hour make so much of a mess in my body.

Everyone is home from Spring Break and Sadie was happy to see her people.  Her tail was wagging nonstop.  She has been on walks everyday and went for a car ride!  Sadie likes this change! So much more exciting than the old foggies.

Far Guy and I did a bit of shopping...purchased bath towels and rugs for the bathroom at home and a new shower head.  We are having some plumbing work done after we get home...a new hot water heater and new high rise toilets will be installed. 

Gas is $3.89 a gallon here.  I use coupons from the grocery store and save 12 cents a gallon.  We don't use very much gas being in town for the winter.  

I have noticed that some grocery prices are going up...milk, bread, butter, apples and meat for example.

Yesterday Andy bought a pie to celebrate pi day, if we are too far away to celebrate St Urho's Day this week we might as well celebrate with a pie for a change. 

Far Side  



  1. Pi Day! I always forget about that.
    Sounds like Sadie missed her people.
    Gas was 4.09 last I filled up, I saw that the price of oil dropped but I suppose it won't be reflected at the pump.

    Time change doesn't affect me like it does you.
    I hope you feel better soon!
    Would it help to ignore the clocks unless you have an appointment?

  2. So glad everyone made it home from Spring Break. Gas prices here are over $4.00 a gallon. Food prices are outrageously high. Pretty soon we won't be able to afford to drive or eat. Haha Stay healthy and safe.

  3. Sorry the time change is so bothersome for you. Other then spending a few days saying "it's really X time" it isn't a whole lot different to me. I do like that it stays lighter later in the day :)

  4. You remind me once again about St. Urho's Day! I won't forget this year, thanks to you. :-)

  5. Gas is the same here. My daughter and her husband Eric are coming your way, leaving Sunday. Eric’s granddad is 95 and they are going to see him. I think Minneapolis or nearby. Hope they don’t have to drive through snow.

  6. Sorry you are going to miss the St Urho’s Day celebration. You always have fun photos. Gas is $4.09 and up here. Apples went up too and they are those teeny tiny organic ones from Wal-Nuts. Not much taste either! Hope your body gets on the new schedule real soon!

  7. I can just imagine that beautiful tail wagging non-stop at seeing her people. She will truly miss you and Far Guy when you go home. The first thing we did when moving in was replace the toilets to high rise ones. When you're tall, (or old), they are very nice to have. My knees don't work quite as well as they used to. We could use some new bath towels too. It's been years and years since we bought any.
    Gas is about the same price here and diesel is almost $5.00. The truck is diesel and we're not sure if we'll be driving to Spokane and the Oregon coast this summer or not. We surely can't afford that price!
    Hope you have a great day!

  8. Count your blessings.... gas is $1.90 a litre here- 8.74 per gallon. For diesel (my truck is diesel) it's 9.17 per gallon. I worry about the hay prices this year, the cost of production is going to go through the roof. Good thing I'm down to 2 horses.
    There is nothing like the full body wags of a dog who greets her people after their absence!

  9. Your gas is still cheaper than ours. We are over $4 a gallon now. However the grocery prices are definitely on the upswing.
    You will love the higher toilets. They definitely are easier on the knees.

  10. Gas prices are astrononmical here too and I'm glad to be retired, with no need to drive very frequently. I don't even want to do the conversion from Cdn 1.789 per litre to the US gallon. It's too scary!

    Sorry the time change is hard on you. Hopefully you're feeling better in a couple of days.
    I can just imagine how excited Sadie was to have the rest of the family home.

  11. Gas is the same price here, and grocery prices are increasing on the same items. I try not to grumble about it because I feel blessed to have items on the shelves again.

  12. Did we ever think we would get so excited about high rise toilets? We bought a lifted seat when I broke my arm and bruised the rest of me and it was wonderful. I plan to replace with the high rise, too.

  13. Our gas is now $4.90 a gallon, but then we have high gas taxes here to try to keep our roads maintained. No sales taxes.
    My temporary high rise toilet lift seat was great. I missed it when we took it off three months after my hip surgery.

  14. I bet Sadie was excited when the rest of the family arrived home! I don't understand why we still have DST as it was originally designed for a different era. We got a high rise toliet a few years ago and yes, we love it. ; )

  15. Time change since 13.3. - with us the time on 27.3. switched... we don't love it at all.
    You're right. It throws the whole time rhythm in the body upside down.
    I've been reading back a bit on your blog, also about little Sadie, it's wonderful to feel connected about boundaries and breadth from others. Thanks.
    Many greetings and hugs from Viola.

  16. Yes, the cost of groceries has shot up and I wonder how families are coping. Basics like milk, bread and meat are not luxuries.

  17. Me too that is about changing the time that is. On top of that I had jet lag due to returning the big Island in Hawaii and I was late for church on past Sunday by almost 2 hours. Does anybody think we could do without daylight savings time or make it permanent?

  18. The price of everything is rising here too. It has been a while since we last had rampant inflation, so it is going to be a shock to some people. Us oldies have been through it all before :)

  19. More attention for Sadie. I can see her running through the house to see where everyone is. Our meat costs have risen a lot. I did see my gas bill being outstandingly high. We don't go anywhere far so we can get by with a tank of gas for a long time.

  20. Gas here (northern NY) is $4.09 most places... and I can only imagine it going up. I'm more worried about our propane bill though. When we renovated our main bathroom we took out the tub and the old toilet and replaced them with a walk in shower and a high rise toilet. Wonderful! Can't wait to do the same in the second bathroom! So glad Sadie's people are back home safely.

  21. Sorry you're feeling a bit out of sorts due to the time change....hope you'll be back up to speed soon! Glad you guys had pie to celebrate Pi day. How did I miss that? I LOVE PIE.
    My fave would be sour cream-raisin pie! Glad everybody is back home from vacation.

  22. I'm sure Sadie is happy to have the entire family together again....it reminds me of a doormat I once saw with a dog on it saying "Come in and let me sing you the song of my people"! I laugh every time I think of it. I always forget Pi Day. What do you eat to celebrate St. Urho's Day? I'm making corned beef dinner for St. Patrick's Day. I ave short legs...not sure I would appreciate a high-rise toilet! LOL!

  23. It's annoying that the clocks have to change, and even more so that they change the clocks in the US different to the UK, which means I have to first adjust to the different timezone the people I interact with are on compared to me (four hours difference instead of five for Eastern time, for example) and then cope with the adjusting time here while adjusting back to how the time difference gap was before. I wish they'd stop changing the clocks at all, but if they do insist on doing it, I wish they'd do everyone the same day.


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