Sunday, January 2, 2022

Puppy Dog Eyes

 Do not let these sad puppy dog eyes fool you, underneath this exterior is a saber toothed monster.  She will bite anyone or anything at anytime.  It is her mission as a puppy!

She is not biting me here because I put her inside the toy basket. 

So she started to bite the toy basket. 

She bites Little Elvis and Phoebe...bits of hair in her mouth do not bother her at all.  She admires Phoebes ability to jump out of reach...I expect that will change soon....she can almost jump up on the couch. 

She is great entertainment!  Potty training is going quite well, she goes to the patio door most of the time to be let out.  She  is a work in progress. 

Far Guy is a tiny bit better today, he had a long nap and irritated me during supper...pushed my corn into my rice on my plate.  He knows I don't like my food touching!  Andy cooked last night ...Burrito bowls...pulled pork, black beans, rice, corn, cheese all in the same bowl with chips. 

We had a quiet New Years Day.  It was -37 F or -38 C eh in the morning New Years Day....what a way to start the year!

Far Side


  1. That is cold! I love the puppy, teething and all!

  2. Puppies! Always chewing as they go through teething.
    The look on that cat's face... lol!
    My husband does things just to get a rise out of me too. Brats, they are.

  3. This was a big weekend for Ohio fans...Cincinnati Bearcats played Alabama on Friday and Ohio State Buckeyes played Utah in the Rose Bowl. I am not a big football fan but Tom was. Our boys went to the University of Cincinnati and our daughter went to Ohio State. Bearcats lost, Buckeyes won. I am glad to hear that Far Guy is a tiny bit better. That should make you feel a tiny bit better, too.

  4. All the pics of the pup are adorable - - - but that last one is the BEST! It could be on a greeting card or calendar or pet food advertisement.
    Glad to hear some improvement for Far Guy. Praying it continues.

  5. Cold here too. That burrito bowl sounds delicious. We've been eating chili throughout the weekend. Karen

  6. Who couldn't love that puppy? She sure looks innocent! Is she teething?

  7. Great pictures! Yes, I can see both the huggable and the little monster. How lovely for you to have that little guy to train while you pass the time in those frigid Minnesota months.
    Thanks for keeping us posted about FG's health. We continue to hope for the best.

  8. Sadie is a cutie and a typical one, chewing on everything. I can imagine the entertainment.

    I certainly hope Far Guy continues to improve.

  9. Those eyes are just adorable! Cold here for us -7

  10. What a cutie! And those soulful eyes, who could resist them? Also glad to hear FG is a little better. :-)

  11. Hallelujah for improvement for Far Guy! Prayers will continue for him.
    I adore every photo of the puppy and kitty. Zoey does the same face as that second photo when she knows she's doing something she shouldn't be. And how can you get irritated with that face?
    Last night she got hold of one of Dennis's NEW slippers and chewed the sole almost off before I found her. I thought she was in bed with Dennis and he thought she was with me. Little turkey.
    And here I thought our -7F right now was cold. I don't know how you Minnesota people do it.
    Love to both of you.

  12. That is cold! We haven't had it that cold yet but pretty close.

  13. Love the look on Phoebe's face--ROFL!
    Puppies are a full time job. What a cutie pie...with sharp little teeth. LOL! :)

  14. The look on the cat is just everything. I certainly do not miss the Minnesota cold. It has been in the negatives here all day today, and the snow is powdery. Lots of blowing and drifting. Nice day to stay inside and enjoy some warm beverages. Happy new Year! And Say hi to the puppy for me.

  15. Oh, that is so cold it has me shivering at the thought of it, even though our day here is growing almost too hot for comfort (again!).

  16. Compared to your area we're quite balmy. Still, it feels very cold to us who are unaccustomed to it. Good news that FG is a bit better. Hope that trend continues.

  17. Hahaha kitteh's look! Those puppy dog eyes are too cute! So glad to hear FG is doing better, we keep you guys in prayer always. We have two grandkids who hate their food to be touching... when they're here they sit at the opposite end of the table from grampa... because he does what FG does lol! Blessings!

  18. Those sad puppy dog eyes will almost get you every time.
    Poor kitty...she is wondering when the teeth monster is leaving.
    Far and hugs...and you too missy. Take care of you both.

  19. How adorable! Does he still have that puppy smell too?? Those little sharp puppy teeth can hurt! They can sure be a handful! Glad Far Guy is feeling better.

  20. These pictures are adorable! Her teething must be driving her (and everyone else) crazy! I hope your shoes are hidden. ; )

    I'm so glad to hear Far Guy is a little better. I'm keeping him in my prayers!

  21. Those really are sad little puppy dog eyes. Watch out for the bites. Oooh that Phoebe is a beautiful cat. Hope she figures out how to stay away from Mr. Bitey Bites. I bet she wants to pop him a good one! Hope things don't stay cold for too long. We've got it darned cold too....but not quite as cold as you guys do!

  22. Sadie sounds like a typical puppy, and like her training is going well.

    Glad Far Guy was feeling well enough to be irritating you.


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