Monday, December 13, 2021

Some mail

 We got some mail, my other baby brother and she who sees robins first stopped by for a visit and brought our mail and two packages.  So far we have only gotten two pieces of forwarded mail in 16 days....however the mailman has been leaving mail in our mailbox back home and she who sees robins first has saved it for us.  The other day in mail notifications the Post Office sent us a notice that they wanted our forwarding address verified...and guess where they sent it??  I have told you about the brain dead postal lady and apparently she is hard at work again.   

We had some Christmas cards, a box of fudge from Texas and cookies from Kansas! All much appreciated!!

We had a nice visit and lunch with my other baby brother and his wife.  They didn't get lost and enjoyed seeing where we are wintering at. 

The cool kids in the photo is an anniversary card from them! 

Far Side


  1. How nice of them to visit! Love it.
    I like the card also.
    I have my fingers crossed. Yesterday my son was a bit cryptic about 'an' adventure he was going to go on Tuesday morning and he was taking his gal with him. They had to get up very early to ... go ... somewhere.
    He said it in such a way that I feel like mebbe???? I'd be getting a short visit from him? He has been known to do this once in a while....

  2. I'm sorry, I'm chuckling over the fact that the mail notification about forwarding the mail was sent to your home address. Kind of defeats the the purpose of the having the mail forwarded. I do think your local post office has some issues.

    Lovely cards!

  3. I couldn't help laughing at where the address verification was sent. I would be very unhappy if the post office did that to me. But it actually happening is like something out of a sit-com.

  4. That was a nice visit! The mail I think is always interesting, we signed up for the notifications so don't worry about it (it has been arriving on time or the next day). He did deliver boxes up to the house last week and then had to shovel his way out of the driveway (we had blowing snow).

  5. Oh dear, that lady is still there? Hoping for the best for you, and I sure like to see all those Christmas cards. I don't send them out and only receive a few every year, always one homemade one from you. Much appreciated! :-)

  6. How nice to have a visit and mail delivery. Sorry about the braid dead postal worker. There seem to be many of those aren't there? I have to go to the post office to mail a package today and I'm not looking forward to it.

  7. I'm glad you have someone saving your mail for you, because apparently the post office is not capable of handling stuff in the old fashioned post office way. Glad to see the little guy on the branch got there! :)

  8. You have to wonder how some of these folks manage to keep their jobs. The little town we used to live in (about 150 people) got a new rural delivery guy a few years ago. Folks kept complaining that he wasn't delivering things in a timely manner - and then it was discovered that he had stacks of newspapers and "Ad-viser" weekly supplements in his garage. He was quickly replaced!

  9. I’m glad your SIL is checking your mailbox and brought the cards and packages to you.

  10. Merry Christmas, Dear Friends! You both are much loved!

  11. You are right; that Postal Lady is"Brain-Dead". I think you need a new postal person. Thankfully your baby brothers wife is checking your mailbox.

  12. What can anyone say about USPS anymore. *sigh*
    My Christmas cards are going out later than normal and may not get to you till Valentine's Day--LOL! ;)

  13. I have a small pile of mail every week at my post office box

  14. Nice that one way or another you're getting your mail. Besides Christmas cards you got fudge and cookies!!! Lucky you.

  15. Fudge and cookies ! Oh my! But I am happy just to get cards. they are trickling in. Mine are delayed, as I explained in my blog today.

  16. Oh that post office! Do you remember last year when we were still getting Christmas cards in January (and sometimes February!). I switched to paying my bills on line after late checks gave me some late fees. Great that the "family express" could deliver for you!

  17. It's incredible how they can get things completely mixed up.

  18. Your mail is sure moving slowly. Hope it catches up to you soon. Enjoy these days leading up to Christmas!

  19. I remember my neighbor's leave for Arizona and the post office sends them a note that there mail has been stopped.

  20. The Post Office has its struggles too. It has always amazed me that you write an address on an envelope and somehow it makes it to it's intended destination, far away. I wonder if we wouldn't all be more understanding of the system if we knew all that letter had to go through, to get to where it is going.

  21. Glad you have someone saving your mail for you. Sounds like there were some nice things to be saved among the mail that got sent to the wrong place.


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