Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Slowing down

 The Christmas Cards are slowing down a bit.  Yesterday we had two cards and a letter, Indiana and Minnesota folks. 

Little Elvis has been he is on the rice/hamburger diet.  He is a trooper putting with Sadie Shenanigans.  ( Sadie bites his tail)

View from my desk. 

Another view...

Sadie likes my socks and my pant leg.  She is smart as a whip and is getting the potty training down...she goes outside and then runs for the patio door to be let in.   I am watching for a sign when she goes to the door to be let out...she went to the door one time today but just wanted out to eat snow. 

Far Side


  1. Awesome on the potty training. I know you know what you are doing there.
    My neighbor still struggles with her dogs.
    Hopefully Elvis will start to feel better.

  2. Sadie sure is cute. Sorry to hear Little Elvis isn't feeling well.

  3. Sorry to hear about Little Elvis being sick. Hope it's a short one. Sadie is sure adorable!

  4. My Dad has a bell that hangs at dog level on his back door. He trained the dogs to ring it when they need to go out - works like a charm!

  5. Poor Elvis, I hope he is feeling better soon. That Sadie is certainly entertaining.

  6. Oh - all that doggie love! Hope Little Elvis feels better fast.

  7. Hugs for Little Elvis. It is hard having a new attention stealer around, especially when you don't feel well. Good thing there are extra hands and plenty of love to go around.

  8. Good that you are there to help with puppy training and monitoring.

  9. New puppies are interesting critters to get to know.

  10. I sure hope Little Elvis gets to feeling better. The day when I little dog decided to tear his potty papers that he knew he needed to just go to the door to go outside.

  11. Poor Elvis....that's what Annie had and it is very painful or can be. She went downhill very fast. I felt so bad because Nitty had just passed and she had to travel with me to Iowa and then I stayed at the hospital with Jim 24/7 and she stayed at Amy's house and they took great care of her but I felt terrible that she was sick and I couldn't be with her. I took her to the vet there but the meds and special food didn't help....she was 14...but I still feel bad about putting her through all that. I didn't realize how sick she was. i had to have her put down the day after Jim died.

  12. Poor Little Elvis. Big hugs and loves for him. It's hard to not feel good even in the best of times but doubly hard with a puppy doing puppy stuff.
    Good job on Sadie going outside. We've been pretty please with Zoey too. It's been a couple of months since she had an accident in the house. She goes to the door to go outside, but we need to be watching her because she doesn't bark or whine. I tried the bell thing but I don't think I was persistent enough with it.

  13. I hope Little Elvis feels better soon. Must be hard putting up with Sadie when he doesn't feel well.

  14. Sounds like things are going well with Sadie. Sorry to hear about Little Elvis getting sick....hope he's much better soon. Yes, our Christmas cards have slowed down too...I think maybe quite a few people didn't send cards this year. It has been a pretty gloomy couple of years and who knows what 2022 has in store. It's sure not like the old days. Take care!

  15. I got a cat that goes outside because he does not like the litter box, I guess. nice that he tells me, but it can get annoying at 3 am in the morning. Still. I would rather let him out that have him make a mess indoors.

  16. Hope Little Elvis gets better soon. And great job with Sadie's training... Hope she continues learning so quickly.


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