Thursday, December 9, 2021

Grocery Day

 Grocery Day was a day early this week.   Far Guy and I went to a Wally World that is a bit out of town ( there are two in the area) and is not as busy.  You can socially distance easily and we wore masks.  Heinz 57 Steak Sauce was not on the shelves,  or heavy cream so Far Guy got the half and half.  He rode a cart throughout the store...I didn't feel guilty at all sending him off for items.  It was his first day out of the house since last Thursday. 

We got home, disinfected everything, washed fruit and then we made soup.  This weeks soup was Italian Sausage, Chicken Broth and Potatoes, you brown the sausage, add the broth and the diced potatoes and let it cook in a slow cooker all afternoon.  Shortly before serving you add about a cup of half and half and a big handful of baby spinach...yummy. After you ladle it into bowls you add bacon bits. There are left overs in the fridge.  You can add other stuff..onion...celery...but I do not. 

We don't spend any time in this rocking chair.  The kitty Phoebe and Little Elvis like our company during the day!  Some nights Little Elvis sleeps with us...sometimes all depends on who his favorite person is at the moment! 

Far Side


  1. Glad you got out of the house and were able to grocery shop for "real". Those scooters in the store are a lot of fun, hope Far Guy had a good time. Soup sounds delicious. Stay warm.

  2. It's great when you can manage to easily socially distance but still pick up your own stuff. Though I personally still try and stay away from shops, regardless of how busy they may or may not be, especially considering my health issues and vaccination complications.

  3. Your soup sounds luscious! I love any soup that adds cream at the end. I have been trying to figure out shopping times to avoid the crowds at stores. It is nice to go inside and select my own stuff.

  4. Glad to hear FG got out and about, and that Little Elvis sleeps with you sometimes. :-)

  5. Awwww, Little Elvis wants you to feel welcome too. He is doing his part. :)

  6. Soup sounds good. It's that time of year. My husband doesn't care for soup particularly - except for chicken noodle or chicken and dumplings. So I rarely make soup anymore. But there's something about the yummy smell of soup simmering that makes the house seem cozy.

  7. I love soups because they are so easily modified to be a little of this and a little of that, and to one's taste. Sadly, my son isn't a big fan so I make it for myself and let him fend for himself those nights.

    Enjoy the extra cuddles.

  8. Oh I love the sound of that soup. I will have to take our leftovers and make a soup for tomorrow!
    You both had a field trip! No Heinz 57? Hmmm, I don't use it, so I wouldn't know if our places had it or not.
    I know Ricotta Cheese was impossible to find before Thanksgiving!

  9. That sounds delicious and I'm glad Far Guy was able to go with you to the store. It does make a difference in your mental health just to get out a little bit.
    I love how Little Elvis sleeps with you sometimes. Mandys lab Polly, who is gone now, used to sleep with us when we visited. In bed. Did I mention she was HUGE! All three of us in a full size bed. I sure loved Polly. We are most definitely dog people.

  10. I like the convenience/luxury of ordering groceries online and having someone else gather it for me. It saves money because it stops impulse buying. Today is a perfect day for soup — it’s snowing.

  11. It's nice to have a fur kid sleeping with you.

  12. That soup sounds positively wonderful, Connie!! I put spinach in my soups & stews too. It's a handful of wonderful nutrition, if you ask me. :-) I love anything green. I'm glad you & Far Guy got out a little bit. Yes, I wouldn't have felt bad him going off on his own either. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  13. It has to be so nice to be around a dog again like that. :)
    Soup sounds good.

  14. Soup sounds like a good idea on a chilly day. Nice that grocery shopping went well even if a few items were not available.

  15. How nice to have a granddog who loves you. The soup sounds delish.

  16. Your soup sounds like Zuppa Toscana the Olive Garden knock off. Jim would make that soup and we all loved it. I usually make it on Christmas Eve in his memory. He was quite the cook! It is really tasty! Enjoy! That's a great meal for your weather there.

  17. Mmm your soup sounds good! I'd like a bowl right about now! Glad your shopping adventure went well and that you have a couple of sweet pets hanging around the house with you. Looks like a comfy rocker even though you're not using it right now! Take good care. More snow coming tomorrow here!

  18. Two Walmarts, what a deal. We are 70,000 in population and we only have one. We do have two of other things though. I have a long list of things I sort of need at the big Wally. Interesting soup you made.

  19. Awww, no doubt the furry cuddle companionship is appreciated!! Animals are sooo sweet.

  20. I bet you love having pets around again. We have had trouble getting heavy cream since before Thanksgiving and I haven’t been able to find out why. Everything else that’s unavailable is blamed on the microchips from China but I seriously doubt they have anything to do with the cream shortage!


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