Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Change in Direction

 Over the weekend we left our cozy little home in the woods in the capable hands of Lissette our house sitter and my brothers and my nephews watchful eyes. 

We moved Up North to the city where our youngest daughter Jen and her husband Andy live.   They helped us unpack and get settled in. We will be here a few months or until they kick us out.  We are closer to Far Guy's Doctors and Specialists for the winter, instead of a three hour drive they are just across town.  Someone is usually home here so if I leave for a few minutes Far Guy is well taken care of. 

We have a very nice room with a bathroom right outside the door.  The whole house is massive...I had to tell Far Guy if I am in a different part of the house and he needs me ...he will have to call me on the cell phone.  

Little Elvis is such a good companion, he waits in front of the front door making sure we don't leave without him.  He sleeps in our room at night or right outside the door...I nearly fell over him one night when I opened the door to go to the bathroom...he can still move pretty fast for an older dog! ( Good thing I am a  little slower in the middle of the night)

We are adjusting to a new room, news beds..everything is a bit different from back home.  Change is good, we are comfortable here and get to see Grandson Adam every day.  Jen and Andy are patient with us and we are so thankful for them! 

I will be going back home to the woods from time to time, to check on the house, to see my brothers and my parents.  I can pick my travel days according to the weather and driving conditions.  Far Guy will accompany me if he feels okay, if not he is in safe capable hands here. 

Far Side


  1. This sounds like a wonderful arrangement. I am happy for you, for everybody. Of course you can crochet wherever you are. :-)

  2. That's a nice idea. Glad you have the option to stay with them so doctors are more easily reached if Far Guy needs them.

  3. Good to know you are less isolated and have easy access to what you might need - and a dog to pet every day!

  4. This is so amazing and wonderful. I am so happy for you. Not having to drive in bad weather is such a bonus and having little Elvis around as well as other folks? Wow, that is fantastic.
    What a great work around for the winter.
    Doin' the happy dance for you.

  5. Sounds like a great plan to me. Enjoy your stay! Travel in Winter is just too dangerous these days - glad you have such a nice place to stay.

  6. It sounds like you are where you need to be. How fortunate to have welcoming family members and, Little Elvis!

  7. I'm sure it will be a welcome change of pace to be so close to family for awhile.

  8. I'm certain you'd rather be home, but this sounds like the best idea at this time, with the proximity to the medical services Far Guy may need. Added bonus, you're with your family.

    And it's nice that you've got family and friends at the other end to ensure things are kept in order at home.

    All the best!

  9. Sounds like a good solution for you and Far Guy. Families area blessing!

  10. :-O :-O :-O Oh my goodness, Connie... I surely didn't expect this announcement!!! What about your kitties, what about your woods, what about your this, what about your that??!!! Was this a spur-of-the-moment decision or did you just not want to share it ahead of time? Well, despite being stunned, I'm happy for you if this is what you want & need. May it all go smoothly for you all. ~Andrea XOXOXO

    1. We don't have any kitties or dogs at the woods. We had planned this before the pandemic and the wintertime move was just put on hold. :)

  11. OH! Good! It's nice to have family (and a dog) to keep you through the winter!

  12. That is a wonderful solution to the wintertime driving up north. Little Elvis and Adam are huge perks too. I love that Little Elvis likes to sleep right close to the two of you. He sounds like the sweetest thing.
    It's the best of both worlds! We're grateful to know that Mandy is close by us in the event of a similar situation where we need to stay with family for awhile. Family really IS everything isn't it?

  13. Sounds like a good, practical plan for the winter.
    Family and Little Elvis will be such good company. :)

  14. It is wonderful that you have family that welcome you in and that you are nearer to doctors during the winter months. Change can be good and it will be so nice to spend time with your grandson :)

  15. This sounds like the perfect solution to potential winter issues. Hopefully it won't take many days until you feel right at home there.

  16. This is such a wonderful move and takes the stress out of your drives back and forth. Plus, you have others there to help you keep an eye on Far Guy and you can get out and about a bit. I bet there are lots of yarn and craft lucky! Whoever came up with that idea is brilliant!

  17. That's a big change for you but it's a good move.

  18. No wonder you were in such a rush to get all of those ornaments and cards finished and sent off. My card arrived, BTW, and it's lovely. Thank you.
    Good for you for making the move, and how wonderful of Jen and Andy to allow it to happen.

  19. So happy for you guys. Sounds like a wonderful place to spend some winter months with family you love and closer to medical facilities if needed. What a great idea! And Little Elvis to keep you in line too. Just don't trip over him! Looking forward to your posts from the big house full of love.

  20. I am happy for you two to have a good place to stay for the hard Minnesota winter. The trips to the doctors were too far away during the winter weather. Not all birds go south for the winter. They just hunker down.

  21. Safe and sound with help all around.

  22. It is prudent to be safe for winter.

  23. Sounds like a sensible thing to do. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  24. It definitely sounds like a good plan for the winter. It's nice that they have plenty of room so everyone is comfortable. Little Elvis is probably delighted to have you there to give him extra loving.

  25. I'm sure your stay is going to be very benificial- so much not fun to travel for appointments in the winter.
    It must be lovely to have a dog for company again :0) let alone being around family.

  26. Wow Big News!! Hoping it all works out well for you, Far Guy and your family.

  27. Aww {hugs} change is hard, even if it is for the better. It will feel similar in other ways in reverse, when you head home. Elvis is adorable!! What a huge heart your Jen has, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  28. How nice to have a cozy room and family around, and a D-O-G for the winter! I bet I know what you will be missing though. All your beautiful Christmas trees and Shiny Brights. Well worth it, though, to not have a 3 hour drive on winter roads.

  29. It's practical, seems like you both are in good hands, and it was planned in advance, so there were (I hope) no surprises you can't deal with easily. The adventure of life continues! Alana

  30. What a lovely solution to the difficulties of winter and driving.

  31. Well, I was wondering what you meant by moving north and then got buried here and had to scroll way back to catch up. Seems like a good plan and I'm glad you'll have a pup for the winter :-).


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