Sunday, December 19, 2021

Cards and Jaws

 It was a three card and one letter day yesterday. 

Cards from Wyoming, Minnesota and Iowa!  The Christmas letter was from Wyoming.

Sadie AKA Jaws

Especially adorable when she is asleep!  She seems happy when she is awake and ready to chew on anything including Far Guys nose and Little Elvis tail.  She can go up and down steps and met more people and another dog today...she especially liked the teen girls!  The first meeting with Aurora (Noah's dog) was a little tense...but it went better than Noah expected.  She is being well socialized. 

Far Side


  1. Lovely Christmas cards and so cute puppy! Adorable!!
    Love from Titti

  2. Puppies are so fun and so much like to communicate by biting. I remember when our little white poodle would get tired from so much and fall asleep. When waking up he would go through regreeting all the people in the room.

  3. Maybe Santa Paws will bring Sadie a chillable teether!!

  4. Piranha puppy... that's what we call them at that age!

  5. Sweet. Planning to start addressing Christmas cards today.

  6. What a cutie! I'm sure she's very entertaining.

  7. She's a cutie all right. So glad to see all your Christmas cards! :-)

  8. The Girls will have her totally socialized within a week! Puppies need constant play time so they learn not to bite things. She looks adorable! Merry Christmas Sadie! (JAWS! Dum.. Dum! Dum..Dum! DU dum du dum dududududududu! We need a bigger boat!)

  9. Good thing Sadie can be kept safe in her kennel. Or should I say others are kept safe from her? She looks so sweet ( and harmless).

  10. Sadie is just so cute. I got lots of doggie love from my daughter's golden retriever yesterday when we had supper with them between the grandson's basketball games. He's about 5 and a big lover boy. He comes and just leans on me wanting attention. He even pushed the little dog away one time.

  11. Lilie (our current Westie) was like that as a puppy. You wouldn't believe the things she chewed through. Thankfully these days she only chews her own stuff. Hope Sadie learns not to chew everything in sight before she damages too many things. Our Lilie chewed through some expensive stuff before we managed to get her to stop, including a few things I'm still not even certain how a small dog could manage to chew through. Anyway, I have to laugh at you calling her "Jaws" though, because it's the name of my screen reader software.

  12. Glad all is going well. Love seeing your pretty cards and pretty Sadie! Enjoy this Christmas week!

  13. Zoey always tries to chew on my nose too. I have no idea why. Sadie is going to be a wonderful dog. She's so sweet.
    You've got a lot of beautiful cards. I love Christmas cards.

  14. Oh, what a wonderful Christmas gift! She is so cute and I love the name. I always had at least 2 dogs and for exactly the same reason....the older one will teach the younger one the much easier than doing it all by yourself. You are so fortunate to be surrounded by dog people! I'd give my eye teeth to hold that little one! Merry Christmas to all of you!


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