Sunday, November 28, 2021

Winter Wonderland

 Winter Wonderland is the name of the latest CAL (Crochet A Long). 

The yarn finally came!    It was released from the hostage situation within the Postal Service.  Who knows why it was held nine days in West Fargo ND.  

Far Guy is busy winding already.  I always wind my yarn into balls because otherwise I might encounter a join (where two different pieces come together) or some inferior thread or a big horrid tangle while I am crocheting. 

The pattern has rows of trees, hearts, reindeer, snowmen, snowflakes get the picture.  I may add in some blue and perhaps even a dark burgundy...time will tell. 

So this is the third CAL that I am working on.  Sooner or later I am bound to finish one!  I am absolutely smitten with mosaic is like drawing with yarn. 

Far Side


  1. Can't wait to see the beginning of your newest project. Grandson, Steve, and I are going to start putting up Christmas decorations today.

  2. I love it. I think that crocheting will be incredible. I'm glad your yarn was released from captivity!

  3. I had not heard of Mosaic Crochet so I looked it up. It is so interesting! The pattern I first saw said it is just single and double crochet stitches. Are all or most like that? It's obvious a person needs to stay "alert" while doing this - - - since it is not just an easy repetitive pattern. I, too, am looking forward to your creation.

  4. Yay!!! Did you have to pay a ransom? I love your colors and I can't wait to see you get going on it that way if I run into a problem I can ask you! LOL! I'm still not sure if I did row 9 right...time will tell but meanwhile I have to work on the 2021 Annual Collectible Ornaments.

  5. Great idea with the winding. I know the nuisance of running into a snag too well. Perhaps I'll remember to do this in the future.

    Enjoy your new project!

  6. You have me intrigued with this CAL design.

  7. You do wonder what the heck the holdup was, but thankfully you got your yarn! I look forward to pictures of your latest CAL. :-)

  8. Sounds like a fun pattern, Scandinavian maybe?

  9. I am so excited your yarn has come! I can't wait to see the project!!

  10. The new pattern sounds wonderful, and very difficult. I look forward to seeing it.

  11. It sounds like it will be festive and beautiful! I love your color choices.

  12. Glad your yarn finally came. I love the sound of the pattern! Can't wait to see it! Have fun! Glad far guy helps you with the yarns!

  13. Glad the yarn was released from the hostage situation. Have fun with your projects.

  14. By the title, I thought you were talking about more snow. Looks like you will be busy in the future!

  15. You introduced me to mosaic crochet and now I am almost done with my first shawl. I love it. Thanks so much!!

  16. So exciting! It will be fun to see your project!

  17. Fun! What a good guy to wind your yarn, guessing the alternative is less than desirable ;)) it would be if it was me!

  18. I am intrigued by the mosiac as well.


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