Sunday, November 7, 2021

Leaves and Hunting

I am pretty much done with the leaves in the yard.  The last mulch  (10 1/2 times) was completed yesterday...I could rake a bit out back when I have the energy...maybe.   I raked in front of both of my pet peeves is the leaves that blow inside the garage when the door is open.  If there are none there they cannot blow inside! 

It was a fine weather day was 56 F or 13 C eh for a high...practically summer like. 

The old lawn mower was put up for sale and it sold within a few minutes.   Yeah! 

The new lawn mower is sitting in the garage...after it gets its mulching blades and kit it will be ready for next spring.  I drove it around the yard a bit just to make sure that it was working.  It steers much easier than the old one. 

I have a few things yet on Fall work list...but it is coming along.  

Deer hunting season started yesterday.  What a beautiful day to be out in the woods! Great Niece Olivia got a deer! 

Baxter is all set! 

Far Side


  1. I had to look up to see how long your area has hunting. Do you get the mobs of city folk in your area hunting? We do and our season is 9 days.
    I love Baxter's vest. Charlie doesn't go out at all during gun season except to potty. He is terrified of gun shots/noises. Loud bangs frighten him.
    He is the first dog I've had that is terrified by those noises.
    Nice that the yard work is done.
    We may have some mowing left. It all depends on how hubby feels about it.

    1. Nov 6 through the 14th My baby brother said there was a traffic jam in town on Friday...deer hunters:)

  2. Glad your Fall chores list is coming along nicely, and that you managed to sell the old mower to make room for the new one.

  3. We have the same problem with leaves in the garage! It's a bit frustrating.
    I think I've got to do one more mulching, maybe not.
    Thanks for the heads up about deer season, I'd forgotten.

  4. Our leaves are about half down so I have more raking to do.

  5. I have quite a bit of yard work left to do. It might all get done, but it might not either. I have an orange vest for Katie if we go out in the woods during hunting season. She isn't thrilled to wear it, but the thrill of being in the woods overshadows the wearing of the dumb vest for her.

  6. My brother and his son were out hunting last weekend and K got his deer too. Not a sport for me, but they enjoy it and the meat gets made up into sausage.

    Nice that the old mower sold so quickly. I'm sure you'll appreciate the easier steering of the new one in the spring.

  7. Thanks to high winds, I too am pretty much done with raking leaves.

  8. Congratulations on finishing up with the leaves. It's driving me crazy, not being able to rake. I may never catch up again. :)

  9. Great that your old mower sold so quickly. Might make you wish you'd advertised it for a higher price :)

  10. Baxter looks excited for his first hunt! Congratulations on completing the leaves. You have been getting a lot finished up with the leaves, the Blaithin Blanket and all the ornaments. Don't you love that feeling when you accomplish a lot!

  11. You have had it warmer than us the last couple days! Nice to have the leaves done for the year. Ours are just starting to turn color.

  12. In fall yard work there comes a time when all must do chores are done and then you can do the nice to do chores.

  13. We have piles and piles of leaves out there, but thanks to the monsoon rains we’ve been having, we are taking our time to get them shifted. Ah well… at least the birds are having a good time picking through them for the worms and insects sheltering under there!

  14. I thought we had a lot of hunters here in Northern Ohio, but I once went to upper Michigan on a deer weekend. Holy Guacamole! We were almost sixty degrees today and trimmed all of the bushes in our front and side yard and talked some grandkids into helping us rake. I am hoping for at least one more warm day to finish up.

  15. Sounds like your new mower is going to be a dream to use. Our Deer gun season won't begin until November 20th.

  16. Congrats on selling your mower so quickly. That's always fun, getting rid of unwanted things. Baxter looks great. I'm still trying to find a coat for Zoey, she seems to be in between sizes right now. Of course, she won't need hunter orange, just a warm coat.
    Most of our leaves seem to be down in just one day. We had high winds ALL day Friday. and it completely cleared a lot of the trees.

  17. Wow, that was a fast sale!! I do more open field walking during orange season near/in our woods, away from potential hunting on neighboring properties. It is only one side of our property, so it is do-able with reasonable safety. I also avoid dawn/dusk.

    Congrats to your niece!

  18. I am glad the new mower steers easily. I had one that was my dad's that was so difficult to steer. My neighbor is out picking up his leaves by hand. I know he likes machines but it seems too difficult to rake and stuff them. I used my push mower and it did chop them all up. I still have trees with lots of leaves on them.

  19. They had a report in Iowa that white tail deer are carrying COVID! They told hunters to wear gloves when processing and not to get the blood on you.....they said nothing about eating deer meat...huh?
    Congrats on your new mower and selling your old one!


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