Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween!

 We had some Trick or Treaters...we knew they were coming , they were out and about as the Main Street in town had treats from 3 -5 on Saturday.   Another group that usually come are sick not sure if we will get anyone today.  Candy will be sent to the sick kiddos. 

I strung a bit of clothesline rope from one tree to another and attached the treat bags with clothes pins.  It worked well last we are doing a repeat! 

The Hulk, a Fear Leader and a girl!  They took treats for their sister who couldn't come and for some reason I missed a photo of their other sister.

Fear Leader in action. 

They were more excited about their Christmas Ornaments than anything else! 

Far Guy and I spent part of the afternoon getting Christmas ornaments wrapped up and ready to go.   The count is 92 and the end is in sight.  I will finish up by Monday for sure...then I need to order mailers and get them to the Post Office in the next week or two three.   Many will be hand delivered. 

My Mom wanted to cook an early Thanksgiving dinner when we could all be there.  My brothers and I went my sister did not attend.   Mom could have fed half the neighborhood she made so much food; roast pork, roast beef, roasted potatoes, parsnips and carrots, coleslaw, green beans with bacon, orange jello, raw carrots and celery, pickles, grapes, squash and tomatoes.  Then the meal was topped off with apple crisp for dessert.   It was a  good meal.

Goodbye October ...onto November. 

Far Side


  1. Probably a good idea to have Thanksgiving early. What a spread!
    The clothesine idea has worked well during covid. :)

  2. I love your idea. We have only had Trick or Treaters once in all our years hear and that was the first year we with these neighbors. They got to town now to do their candy collecting and dressing up. I know they adore Halloween and have a lot of fun with it.

    Wow on the ornaments! Way to go.
    Thanksgiving? I haven't even made a decision of what we will have.
    We traditionally have lasagna as we both don't care for turkey that much.

  3. The clothesline is a good idea. Our area had Trick or treat night on the 28th of October. For the last 20 years at least, the community leaders have decided there will not be trick or treat on Friday nights because of local football games or on Sunday nights. I don't remember their reasoning for Sundays. I like the idea of having Thanksgiving when most of the family can get together. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well with finishing the Christmas ornaments. I put the ornaments you sent me out every Christmas.

  4. Hi Connie! Glad to read you and your Guy are still functioning. Such an awful disease for him and you to deal with. For me I'm well basically but with to many pills and basically minor but annoying ailments. having not dated for fifty plus years am proceeding very cautiously! Take care now my friend....Ray

  5. Goodness, your mother sounds much like mine. Able to whip up enough food to feed a small army and have it all arrive at the table piping hot. I've never figured out how to that last part.

    Well done on the ornaments. Your trick/treat idea is a good one. I'll be handing out candy this evening masked at the door.

    Take care, stay well.

  6. I remember that ingenious clothesline distribution method from last year. I really like the Fear Leaders, that is really cute! :-)

  7. We live down a tree lined hill in a valley so not too many trick or treaters venture down to our house. We usually end up eating the candy. 💖

  8. Happy Halloween to you both! I love how you hang up the treats on a line. Congratulations on finishing up the ornaments. I can't wait to see what they are this year!

  9. What a deeee-licious sounding Early Thanksgiving meal, Connie. How wonderful! And that clothesline distribution method is brilliant. You should write into a homemaking magazine with that one, complete with pictures! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  10. I don't do Halloween not an Aussie thing for me

  11. I love the clothesline idea and remember it from last year. We aren't usually home for Halloween so I'm wondering if we will get any trick or treaters. Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds delicious, glad most of your family was able to attend. Have a great week!

  12. That clothesline idea is very clever!! Happy Halloween!

    Our community did a Main Street trick or treat event last year and we noticed our neighborhood only saw about half the usual number of kids. Kind of expecting a similar result as the Main St event was yesterday. But I'm ready with way more candy than I probably need. I miss the small town we used to live in and the adult costume party/dance held each year as a fundraiser for summer youth programs. It was such fun coming up with clever costumes.

  13. So special to spend Thanksgiving with family, no matter what day you celebrate it.

  14. That clothesline is a great idea! I’m a bit sheepish to say that I fled for a weekend away rather than try to figure out Halloween this year, but now that I’ve seen that it seems way more possible!

  15. I like your idea of a treat bag on a clothes line. You'd have to be nuts to miss your Mom's Thanksgiving dinner.

  16. Your Mom sure puts on a good spread!! Nice that you could all get together. There's nothing like family.

  17. That early Thanksgiving dinner at your folk's house sounds just delish! Wow...she still does all that cooking at her age. She's amazing! Sorry your sister couldn't be there. Love your trick or treat bags on the line idea...looks like it works well!

  18. I can't believe how much food your mom made. That's amazing! Congrats on the ornament "almost finish". I'm hoping for a contest again this year for one. Maybe I'll enter 10 or 20 times! Ha! :-)
    We had a grand total of zero trick or treaters. I remembered years ago when Mom had hundreds here so I bought three huge bags, knowing that we probably wouldn't have that many. Now, what to do with so much candy?
    Have a great night my friend.

  19. I wish I would have remembered the clothesline! Great idea! i turned out the lights but doubt if I had any anyway. They have Trunk or Treat downtown where everyone goes. You had the cutest! Love the Fear Leader! Good one!

  20. Cute treat bag idea. We had about 40 this year, the most we’ve had for a couple years. I think they were making up for the last couple Halloween’s when we had about 7 (because of Covid). We love handing out the treats and talking to them all! Paul mistook a mermaid for a princess and boy did he hear about it from a little indignant three year old!

  21. The candy clothesline idea is a neat one, and I think it's great candy was being sent home to the sick kids too.

    That's an impressive early Thanksgiving meal. I'm sure everyone who had some enjoyed it very much.

  22. Oh, we did that early Thanksgiving routine, too, last weekend. We had snagged an extra turkey last year when they went on sale. We thought we'd just do a *small* feast, so we could repeat it in a month...wrong! Not sure we want to go through all that work again quite so soon. Your mom's spread sounds magnificent! Now that must have been a lot of work!


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