Friday, October 29, 2021

Grocery Day

 Moldy bread was in our grocery order.  I called and complained...especially since I ordered two loaves of bread ...only got one and it was moldy.  At least they didn't send out oranges that they knew were know that spot where the customer can write notes...well I give them lots of input.

There is some flat bread in the freezer and I can bake bread if needed. 

The wallyworld order was almost perfect they had to sub a larger size of multivitamins. Give me more for the same price all day long. 

Far Guy and I looked at least there were some to look at.  We picked one out and it will be delivered next was the only one of the 2022 models that they had on hand. The mulching kit for it won't be released until next Spring....we requested that a mulching kit and blades be installed before delivery...they called and said that the 2021 kit doesn't fit the 2022.   Bummer.   Oh well it is what it is.  

Went to Bingo with my Dad and baby brother...we did not win.

Ornament count is now 80.  I can see clearly now...another ear worm for are welcome:)

Far Side


  1. Moldy bread! That's awful.
    New mower--that's exciting! :)

  2. Moldy bread.... ughhhh!!! I love it when Walmart is out of something so they substitute with a larger size container for the smaller container price! We've had countless instances of that happening and it's always such a pleasant surprise. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. Moldy bread is a whole new LOW for your grocery adventures! What is wrong with the employee who packed that?

    Glad you found a mower so you can begin the spring mowing without issues.

    Yep Ear Worm

  5. ...the rain is gone! And yes, it is gone. Ear warm for sure.
    Moldy Bread??? What were they thinking. I just got home from Walmart with my MIL and they actually had everything on my list. Not much meat though. I did buy some $1 hot dogs that we can put in beans if we get desperate! :-)

  6. That's ridiculous for them to give you moldy bread! The manager needs to know about that. Congratulations on the new mower! I love the red barn.

  7. Seriously, moldy bread? Obviously they aren't paying attention to the dates or looking at the product they're picking. I'd be right annoyed too.

    Will the retailer agree to add the mulching kit next spring? Of course the manufacture changed the specs. Sheesh.

    Take care, stay well.

    1. They will call us when it is available, I was hoping to get it installed. We will have to do it ourselves.

  8. What an unpleasant surprise that bread must have been... yuck! My grandson and I stopped at Walmart to get pizza and wings for dinner. I usually make my own but I ran out of dough. In their whole big pizza cooler there were 4 medium cheese pizza... I couldn't believe it. Sorry about your mulcher that's disappointing. Have a good weekend!

  9. A grocery order that is so wrong would drive me up the wall.

  10. Did you get moldy bread from Walmart? Way to go on the brand new mower! Congratulations! You've really scored this year with Tilly (or was that last year?) and the new frig, Ranger and now the mower....good for you! Glad you got to go with your Dad and brother to Bingo even if you didn't win. I love when Walmart subs a larger size for the same price as the smaller. It's the closest I'll come to winning a lottery. As for the ear worm...that was my theme song after my first divorce! LOL! Happy Friday!

    1. No I got it from the local grocery store. Tilly was last year...we have had her a year and a couple of months!

  11. I realize that there are times when the mold isn't obvious until you separate the slices but the loaf that you got must have been days old.

  12. I can't imagine getting moldy bread for a grocery store. Don't they rotate their stock?
    That is inexcusable.

  13. I sure wouldn't enjoy getting moldy bread in my order. Glad you guys made it to Bingo but sorry that none of you won this week.'re really going to town on those ornaments!

  14. It is hard enough when I let bread get old and moldy at home but to buy it with mold is worse! Glad you were able to get a new mower, as I am afraid things are going to get harder to get as time goes on! Have a great weekend.

  15. Too bad about the bread. Good work on the ornaments.

  16. Grocery Day - it sounds like that location is a struggle! We like there deli chicken breasts and don't you know it most of the time they are out and the wait is 15 min - I don't understand it and only wait if it is within minutes of being done. I am anxious to see what the ornament design is ~ so much work and detail goes into them!

  17. Yuck about the bread. I'd have called to complain too. Nice about the extra vitamins though, and about having a new mower... Shame you'll have to fit the blades and such yourself when they become available, but at least you've found a mower you like.


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