Saturday, October 9, 2021


 Usually we have several freezes by now.   So the flowers are still blooming.

As you can see there are a few leaves in the yard.  I refrained from mulching yesterday and just did the stuff on my list.  There are still more leaves to fall.

The backside is almost prettier than the front.   I won't complain about watering them...and the deer have not eaten them lately.

Today is my Dad's 95th birthday.  I will tell him he is really old, just like he told me a few weeks ago on my birthday that I was really old!  Dad has memory problems so I hope he recalls that it is his birthday!

Far Side


  1. So wonderful that you still have your Dad. Happiest of days to him.

  2. Pretty flowers!
    Happy Birthday to your dad!

  3. Happy birthday to your Dad. Yes, I know , I got the same thing from my Dad. They really get things mixed up sometimes.

  4. Happy Birthday to your Dad! This is a milestone birthday for sure. I hope you all enjoy the family celebration. Your flower bed is beautiful still. I love the salvia!

  5. I agree with Sallysmom. Also nice that you still have flowers. Birds have been odd this year. Earlier this fall, a woodstork was sighted and this past week a Whistling duck was sighted. I don't know if either bird has been seen in Ohio before this. Tom and I saw woodstorks in Florida and Whistling ducks in Texas.

  6. Happy Birthday "Old" man.... hehe. We should all wish to live to 95! HE must not be doing to bad if he still has a sense of Humor.

  7. Such a pretty little flower garden. The gold ash leaves have been falling like rain drops today here.

  8. Happy 95th Birthday to Jake!!Hope his day was extra special.

  9. Our flowers are still blooming and we are still harvesting tomatoes from the last plant. Happy Birthday to Dad!!!

  10. Happy birthday to your Dad. He seems to be doing well even if he does have some memory problems. You're so fortunate to still have your parents.
    Your Salvia is so pretty and I want to find some next year. I didn't this year nor the year before. Neither seeds nor plants.

  11. I hope your Dad has had a wonderful birthday today. My Mom would have been 98 on the 16th. So hard to believe.
    Your flowers are still so pretty. We haven't been anywhere near freezing yet. It's supposed to get down into the upper 40's at the end of next week and that's the coldest so far. Spokane has had several freezes already. How is Far Guy feeling now?
    Have a great Sunday my friend.

    1. Far Guy is slowly getting better...slowly he is not 100 % yet

  12. Just wonderful flowers! Thank you for sharing them.

  13. Your flower garden is lovely! I hope your Dad has a great 95th birthday and that he remembers it!

  14. Happy Birthday to your Dad! I love your flowers....still blooming greatly!

  15. Nice you still have flowers. Happy birthday to your Dad... Hope he can remember it's his birthday.


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