Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Fall Projects

Working on some Fall Projects, we touched up the stain on our log posts out front.  I cleaned up the sauna and washed the rugs.   Straightening up in the garage...that is a big job!    Mulching leaves...4 1/2  out of about 10 mulchings are done.   Not all the leaves are out of the trees.   Far Guy accuses me of sitting on the lawn mower waiting for a few leaves to fall.  ( Far Guy has a list...I do not...I have just been doing projects that I feel like doing!)

We have some of the Asian Beetles...the stinky little things bite and it hurts.  With the warm weather there are some itty bitty bugs that bite...some kind of gnat.   Our temperatures vary from a low of 45F (7 C) in the morning to a high of 78 F  (26 C) that is unseasonably warm for October in Minnesota. 

We have the Christmas Ornament count up to 100 ready to paint...Far Guy wants to carve a few more. 

We go for some kind of ride with Ranger Blue everyday. 

Far Side


  1. It seems like October turns us into project mode of some sort. Well, it is certainly different than the garden mode. I am letting the flowers go to seed so I can collect more seeds and chopping up the ones that look sad and brownish.
    Each season brings a new set of 'to do' lists.
    We usually have the swarms of those little beetles here too. They haven't arrived yet but m come as soon as the soy beans have been picked and we get a warm day. Oddly, it looks like many farmers opted instead for mostly field corn in this area. Usually there is an even mix.
    Not this year!

  2. You’ve been busy! I think the warmer weather is all kinds of weird. Farmers are pulling corn off the fields very early for fear of dried damaged crops, and we have yet to have a killing frost. Hence the bugs. On the bright side, warmth is creating pretty tree colors this year!

  3. Our temperatures are pretty normal, hovering right around the low fifties with little change between night and day. Lots of rain with a little sunshine suits me fine. Nice color in those leave:-)s!

  4. Wow! Those red leaves are so pretty! This really is about the best time of year. We had temps in the low 80s with sunshine, no wind, and that clear blue sky yesterday. Just a lovely fall day and while watching the grandson play flag football last night it got cool enough to wrap up in a blanket.

  5. We have those little, tiny, black bugs that bite too. I don't know what they are but they are annoying. It's been in the 70's-80's during the day and 60's at night. Low humidity too and I'm loving it.
    I took Zoey for her first "real" walk on the leash this morning. We've been practicing in the house and yard but this was the first one with BIG distractions. She did pretty well and after only one trip down and back up the hill we live on, she's sound asleep. Those legs are pretty short!
    Have a great day Connie.

  6. You waited a long time for the Blue Ranger, so I'm not surprised you are out riding on it every day. Sounds like fun!

  7. Love the mental image of you waiting on the lawnmower for leaves to fall. 😉😎

  8. Sounds very productive and wonderful--except for the biting bugs--LOL! ;)

  9. You always sound so busy no matter what. I hope you continue to get the nice temps. I have been in a big funk but with cooler weather I find my disposition has changed for the better. Now it’s all about getting my gardens weeded and mulched for Winter…with a lot of help from the grandsons.❤️

  10. You two are really getting a lot done. You're halfway through the leaf mulching and you have 100 ornaments carved! I'm happy you are enjoying Ranger Blue too. We finally have cooled off enough to keep the air off. I love having the windows open!

  11. You've been a busy bee, Connie. I admire you!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  12. This morning was a Project Me morning - physical therapy, a flu shot, and arranging lunch with my sister for later this week. It's 52 and raining lightly here at noon. I'll find a sewing project for this afternoon.

  13. Sounds like you've been busy. There's always something that needs doing.
    Straightening up the garage....I know ours does not stay straightened up for long ever. It seems it always needs doing again.

  14. Your warm weather is about to end. It's cooled down here with frost at night.

  15. Warming up here 17C today around 10-15C at night

  16. Fall projects are in order around here too! Enjoy those rides around the country!

  17. Ranger Blue is really neat! Just looked back at the post. We ordered a carport back in June and was given a 4 to 6 week delivery time. They installed it a week ago. Bet you had fun on the trail ride. Good to see your baby brothers and their wives and Far Guy. It sure is looking like fall up your way. It's so pretty!

  18. What a pretty picture of your colorful leaves! Glad you're out riding around every day in your new Ranger. What fun. Hope this nice weather holds out for awhile yet. I saw one of those nasty beetles on the outside of our window today. Yuck.

  19. Having the Ranger sounds like a lot of fun. Leaves are beginning to fall here. Not much color yet.

  20. I get the cleaning bug come fall. I still have painting to do and some yard work but it has been raining here. SO happy you guys got the Ranger. You are having lots of fun already! What a blast!

  21. Sounds like you're making the most of the season. Good luck getting all your Fall projects done.


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