Thursday, October 7, 2021

Cemeteries and a Church

 My baby brother picked me up on Wednesday morning and we did some cemetery work...trimmed around headstones and cleaned them up.  Other helpers were my baby brothers bride and their friends from Wyoming Mark and Cindy.   Lots of help scrubbing lichens away.

Our Paternal Grandparents and a bit further away our Great Grandparents and some Uncles and Aunts. 

One of the Maple trees was still somewhat in leaf. 

Then we went to our Maternal Grandparents and Great Grandparents graves. 

It was a beautiful day to be out and about.

Today is my parents 71st Wedding Anniversary they were married in this church.  Their birthdays are coming up soon.  Dad will be 95 and Mom 92. 

The Church is next to the cemetery, they no longer have services there but the church is used for special occasions. 

Far Side


  1. Happy 71st Anniversary to your parents. That truly is a milestone. i love all the old churches and cemeteries. Their history is so fascinating. Glad you had such a beautiful day to go out there.

  2. Nice area. I have to get out to see the cemetery where my FIL and MIL are this fall. If I can convince the other half to get in the vehicle and go for a drive.
    Goodness. I lived for a short time in a place called Pickerel in WI. I wouldn't think there would be more than one name like that.

  3. Gosh, it's amazing to know people who are so incredibly long lived. Married for 71 years? Wow!

  4. I love cemeteries. Even more special when your family is living there. It's wonderful that you take care of them. We had a church near us, no longer used for services, but cared for and used on special occasions, especially for the cemetery next door. Unfortunately, for no apparent reason, the diocese decided to tear it down. Family members of those who originally built and paid for the church wanted to purchase it, but the diocese refused to sell. There were some night raids that saved some of the stained glass windows and a few pews that the families had paid for, but the building sadly came down. They were able to purchase, many years ago, the school building across the street which the owners make available as a rural senior center, meeting place for scouts, grange, etc and can be rented for special occasions. I am glad your church is still standing.

  5. The cemetery looks pretty with the fall colors & leaves on the ground. Karen

  6. Nice you tend the graves so well. Happy anniversary to your parents.

  7. What a milestone to have been married more than 70 years! My grandparents are buried in Minnesota and Kansas. My great-grandparents are in Minnesota, Kansas, Wisconsin, Canada, Vermont - all kinds of places I've never been.

  8. I love going to cemeteries. Happy Anniversary to your parents!

  9. 71 years is truly a milestone. Congratulations to your parents. My paternal grandparents are buried at the State Line Lutheran church on the line between Nebr. & Kansas. It's only about 110 miles from here and we may take a trip there this fall. It's been years since I've visited the cemetery. My parents and Dennis's Dad and sister and many, many friends and relatives are buried at Forest Lawn, just a few short blocks from our house. I often take walks and visit my parents graves.

  10. A pretty day for cleaning there. Cemetaries are so peaceful and serene to me. :)

  11. Bless you and your family for tending the gravesites of relatives. Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad.

  12. Oh what a shame that church isn't still in use. It looks like it needs to still see persons in it every Sunday. Happy Anniversary to your parents. How WONDERFUL they've been married that long and are still alive to see the day. I can't even imagine! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  13. It is sad the state some headstones are in

  14. What beautiful cemetaries and what a wonderful thing to do. Happy Anniversary to your folks.

  15. Happy Anniversary to your parents. That church is so wonderful and at least it isn't in disrepair. Cleaning stones is a great thing to be done. If I were to do that I would have to visit four different cemeteries. One of them that I have never visited. Your weather is holding but I know you will be getting a lot colder.

  16. A beautiful day in a beautiful place, a day for remembering.

  17. 1950? A long time ago and a very different age. Congratulations to your Mom and Dad.

  18. Wow ....Happy Anniversary to your parents and almost Happy Birthdays to them too. They're doing great!

  19. Happy anniversary to your parents.
    That cemetery looks like such a peaceful spot. I like the headstones. So many cemeteries around here insist on flat headstones ( maybe to make it easier to mow the grass?)

  20. What a beautiful day you had for your work. I love visiting cemeteries. Congratulations to your parents! It is a real tribute to them to have been married for 71 years!

  21. Your parents are such a blessing. We’re almost the same age….I lost my parents over 30 years ago.


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