Wednesday, September 29, 2021

More color

 The leaves are changing fast! 

We went for a ride after supper. 

We had a busy day...usual stuff and our Christmas Ornament count is up to 90 ready to paint...yeah us.   I ordered what I need to finish off the Christmas Cards....just something a little extra. 

I started crocheting on the newest blanket.    I mulched leaves in the yard day one of ten is was nice and dry and the wind was supposed to come I figured the wind would help push the leaves into the woods...not so much. 

Far Guy is about the better but no worse. 

Far Side


  1. Your leaves ARE changing quickly, Connie! Some of ours are changing but still not many. I think we have another month yet before they're in full color around here. I hope Far Guy is feeling better soon. Please keep us updated as you have been. I love-love-love the yarn colors you have chosen! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. Busy days are interesting. Yesterday was my day off and I mean I as Off! More or less. We have mowing to do and things to prepare for fall/winter to finish up. Those colors are wonderful. Wish we could keep them through the winter!

  3. Your Fall colors are beautiful - just starting down here. Keeping Far Guy in my prayers.

  4. Continued prayers for the Far Guy. Hope he is feeling better soon! Your photos are very tantalizing! We have not started to turn colors yet.

  5. The red & orange in the fall color mix is pretty. We just have mostly yellow here. Karen

  6. Beautiful colors on your trees. You are do ahead of me for Christmas stuff!

  7. Beautiful colours - ours should peak around next week sometime

  8. Our leaves are changing like crazy. I think the site that talks about fall colors is way off this year. I was amazed at the colors yesterday!
    I haven't thought a bit about Christmas stuff!

  9. I love the colors in your trees, we don't get the red you do.

  10. I'm hoping Far Guy sees improvement soon.

    Love the colors on the trees, so pretty!

  11. Love the fall colors!!
    I hope FarGuy actually improves soon. :)

  12. Oh, yes, it is the right time to go for drives to see the autumn colors. Lovely.

  13. Those colors are beautiful! Enjoy them all. Our leaves are just hinting at a change so far. Sending my best for Far Guy to improve!

  14. That red tree is gorgeous. I noticed some brown leaves falling this morning while I was out driving but there is no color on the trees.

  15. You are about three to four weeks earlier than us on the fall thing. I have shingle people coming tomorrow so I can't go outside tomorrow. I am not walking so good anyway.

  16. Beautiful leaf colours!! Sending healing thoughts in Far Guy's direction.

  17. It's a nice time of the year to be out working in the yard with the great colors.

  18. Your leaves are really getting pretty now. I wish they would stay like that for 3 months! Good job on those Christmas ornaments. Can't wait to see your blanket!

  19. Wow, that is such a vibrant red on that first photo! It is really beginning to look like autumn by your place. Not so much here, although we save that sort of stuff for late October and November. However, I noticed the temps got down to the 40s last night, a little early for us.

  20. Those colors are just beautiful. No color here yet.

  21. A drive to see theFall colours sounds nice.


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