Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Fall as in the first day of Fall and a fall-en barn. 

Somewhere in my photo archives I have a photo of this barn when it was not a pile of boards.  Maybe someday I will hunt for it.  

We had a good first day of almost Fall, I worked on odds and ends all day...laundry, organizing yarn after a huge box arrived,  organizing some craft supplies to take to the craft retreat...Far Guy worked on woodcarvings and we went to the Transfer Station (garbage) together.  Saw three deer going and the same three when we came back...and they are not real afraid of us...either they were real hungry or used to us. 

No hard frosts here yet....but it was chilly yesterday morning.  45 F or 7 C eh!

Happiest of Birthdays to my friend Cathie who lives in Texas! 

Far Side 


  1. Happy First Day of Fall to both you and Far Guy. I love Fall and all the "colors".

  2. In the 40's here this morning too. But it sort of feels nice after all that horrid heat this summer.
    Looks like a beautiful tree. I miss the old tobacco shed that is out on the Y in the road. It was such a great landmark until some guy took the boards and sold them for $$$!

  3. We've had a couple of hard frosts that turned the top squash leaves black, but not a killing one just yet, though that might have happened last night. Karen

  4. Sounds like a productive day! In camping in the UP and ut was COLD last night!

  5. Oh, boy, I can’t wait for temps like yours! My calendar says fall arrives at 3:30 this afternoon and I am going to welcome it with open arms and happy heart.

  6. It does sound like a great day. I knitted some on Lizzies sweater and hopefully will finish it today.
    Dennis has been working on a retirement budget. Pretty despressing.

  7. Sounds like a great and productive way to spend a Fall day.

  8. We dropped over 20 degrees here in Northern Ohio and I AM LOVING IT.

  9. That tree is sure wearing its Fall colors. I love those old barns and it's sad when they collapse. We were finally able to cut our air off yesterday but it is supposed to get hot again this weekend.
    Happy Birthday Cathie!

  10. Happy Birthday to Cathie and Happy Autumn Equinox to you too. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. We are chilly here also. 37* the last two days. Brrrrrrrrrrr

  12. Although the calendar says yesterday was the first day of fall, it's been here for a few weeks. We did have frost yesterday, but still just a light frost.

    Enjoy the cooler weather!

  13. Yesterday at 7AM, it was 28°F. Fall’s timing was perfect.

  14. I am loving the chilly nights! Gorgeous cool days and chilly nights are my favorites. You've been really busy. Wishing you the best time at your retreat! :)

  15. We've had those chilly (40s) mornings this week and lovely warm (70s) afternoons. My kind of weather! And I noticed a couple of days ago that a little color change has begun. We have a really tall maple in the far back of our yard and the top third of that tree always seems to turn color before anything else. We have no idea why, but it does it every year.

  16. Our temperature this morning was 11C but yesterday were down to 8. It feels like Fall for sure. I love sweater weather.
    Poor old barn. Nice tree beside the remains though.

  17. Fall has definitely arrived here... it's getting dark earlier (which I hate) and while the days are still warm, the nights cool down considerably, perfect for sleeping.

  18. Mostly cloudy, 63 degrees, light rain this morning. Fallish. Pleasant.

  19. I am going to clear the tomato plants one plant a day, that is when I am pain free. We run the furnace for about an hour and turn it back to air again the rest of the day. Your fall hits sooner than outs. I live so far south.

  20. Spring here which is why our weather is all over the place.

  21. We've been close to frost but no killing frost yet.

  22. I'm loving this weather. Just need a couple of hard frosts to kill off all the flies that pester the horses. But with night time temps of 8 to 10 celcius (46 to 52 F) they are kiust going to have to stomp their feet and swish their tails for a while yet.

  23. Our first day of fall came in chilly and full of rain!

    That's a lovely photo

  24. Ooh what a pretty tree you started off with today. I think I remember seeing a picture of that barn once when it was all in one piece. Or was that a different barn you featured? I wish it would stay cool like this and colorful for at least 3 months!!!

  25. You really have some pretty colors. We have a little but nothing to write home about. It was 42 here this morning...oh yeah! 70's this week so I am a happy camper! You got yarn and no picture? What will you make on your retreat?


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