Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A drive

 Yesterday Far Guy had a medical appointment two hours away.  He is doing just fine, feeling a bit better everyday, he has gained three pounds (probably because he is a good cook) and his strength is improving....the best part is that he is not struggling to breathe. 

I took this cloud photo the other day...no blue skies yesterday...and it is raining.  I probably should have taken my camera on the drive...we saw Eagles very close up as they flew right in front of the car and Sandhill Cranes in a field.

We hear that a neighbor had a successful bear hunt...so our bear is most likely gone!  One of our other neighbors said that their dogs were awake and barking all night because the coyotes were howling. 

I am working on the design for our Christmas Card.  I really like both of my stamps. I just need to figure it all out. 

Far Side


  1. Good on the rain and what a beautiful cloud. We saw Eagles and Sandhill Cranes yesterday too on our drive.
    So glad FG is feeling better.

  2. That is such good news about Far Guy. So glad he is gaining weight and breathing better. Sure hope the bear killed was your pesky friend.

  3. Very glad to hear Far Guy is improving.

  4. I am so glad to hear Far Guy is doing much better!!!!! Worth all the exclamation marks!!!!!

  5. Lots of good news! So happy Far Guy is feeling better. The last procedure must have turned the trick! I am sure you are both sleeping better now. And, sorry bear, but glad to hear you are gone. That was a little scary. Enjoy your rainy day.

  6. Good Morning Connie! All wonderful news about Far Guy. So glad to hear he's feeling so much better.
    Good news too about the bear...isn't it? I always hate to hear of animals being shot, but I do know that it's sometimes necessary. Especially the deer population.
    Happy, happy that the cards are coming together for you.

  7. I am glad Far Guy's breathing is normal again. He has room to gain more weight back after all that. Does one have to have a permit to take a bear like they do for Moose in Maine?

    1. Yes A permit...I think it is like a lottery system your name has to be drawn:)

  8. Glad Far Guy is doing so much better. Hope he continues to improve. I'm also glad you like both your stamps. Good luck deciding between them for this year's cards.

  9. Pretty Sky. Glad to hear Far Guy is improving!

  10. What a blessing that FG is feeling so much better.

  11. Just so very glad that FarGuy is doing better and has even gained a little weight. That's just the best news.
    Rained here, too. Love that cloud pic.
    You'll have your card all figured out before the craft retreat, I'm sure. ;)

  12. That is such good news about FarGuy. It never fails; leave the camera at home and you see something really neat. The cloud picture is so pretty.

  13. I'm happy to hear that Far Guy is feeling better! It must have been wonderful to see an eagle up close. We have some around us but I never manage to see them. I have no doubt your Christmas Cards will be beautiful!

  14. Beautiful cloud formation! That would be exciting to see eagles that close. Sandhill cranes are always neat to see. We saw 5 cranes grazing in a field this morning. It looks like it is migration time soon.

  15. What great news to hear about Far Guy! I bet you can relax a little now too. I love clouds and that one's really unique. I just got through reading Arctic Homestead; an excellent book...lots of bears in it! I saw on the weather map that you had quite a bit of precip going on. Amy was hoping they would get some of that but it stayed North. I am so happy that Far Guy is doing so well.

  16. I"m so glad Far Guy is feeling better. Not being able to breath would be terrifying! Kind of feel sad for the bear, but happy for all of you that were visited by him. I haven't thought about Christmas cards yet, except when I read your posts. I have to decide if I'm going to paint them again this year or just buy a box. Maybe not send as many given postage is so expensive lately!

  17. Nice cloud photo. It's raining here too. It seems strange to look out and see rain after the long dry summer.
    So good to know Far Guy is breathing better ( and gaining a few pounds).

  18. That's so great that far guy is doing so well now. Praying that continues! Oh oh....your bear may have gotten taken huh? He would have been smarter to stay hidden far away. We got two inches of rain last night...everything looks great here. Loving the Fall weather!

  19. Good news on Far Guy! Sounds like a nice drive!

  20. It's wonderful to hear that FG is seeing such improvement.
    Beautiful shot of the sky and landscape.

  21. I love those wisps coming out from the clouds. We have had some spectacular cloud formations for the past week or so. I love clouds (but not as much as trees!).

  22. Good news to hear that Far Guy is feeling better. I wonder how many bears are around the area~

  23. Sherry in MT - so glad to hear FG is improving! YAYYYYY


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