Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Tomatoes gone wild

 We have our first tomatoes.   We are anxiously awaiting the yellow pear tomatoes as they are our favorite.

Here you can see nothing but green yellow pear tomatoes.  I suppose they will all ripen at once. 

They have gone wild...flopping over...not very orderly.   It has been a hard growing season...some wind and so very warm. 

We had a bunch of small ones for supper.   Rutgers...was their name...they are very juicy and have lots of seeds.  The larger tomato is some kind of Potato Leafed Tomato of Heritage variety. 

It was another smoky day.  I went out to get the mail...I wore an N95 mask...I ordered them after we had the first bout of wildfire smoke.   I went out in the evening when the smoke was less and watered the tomatoes, flowers and cleaned out the bird baths.

We have given up on growing lettuce...some honey bees invaded the wagon...and a Chipmunk ate all the lettuce. 

We had a quiet day...I cleaned the bathroom, washed towels and rugs, had a nap and saw the end of a movie not the beginning or the middle.  

Far Guy worked on Christmas Ornament woodcarvings...I have been no help to him this year woodcarving.

Far Side


  1. The tomatoes look so delicious. I can't believe the growing season. A neighbor has an over abundance of tomatoes and local sweet corn is up for sale. We have the smke down here also. Really bad for people with asthma. Enjoy your tomatoes.

  2. Yippee! Looks like those little ones are coming along nicely. We have had those and they do come all at once. One year I just sliced tons of them and dehydrated them for soups later on in the year. It worked out well and I felt nothing went to waste.

    Christmas Ornaments! I guess it is that time of the year again. I am actually looking forward to cooler weather after this strange summer.

  3. Any day when you get to eat a tomato, no matter the size, right from the garden, is a good day.

  4. When I was young, I always hated when it was only sweetcorn and sliced tomatoes for supper. As an adult, I look forward to those days. Right now we have tomatoes but our sweetcorn crop isn't producing.

  5. We have smoke here, too, but not too bad right now. Our tomatoes have not begun to ripen yet. I can't wait!

  6. I'd like to have a couple slices of the Potato Leafed tomato with a sprinkle of salt, please. The deer have wrecked havoc on our garden this year, way more than years past, maybe they are eating for the moisture, seems they are knocking the tomatoes off while eating the plants. Karen

  7. Fresh tomatoes are one of the BEST things about summer and always look forward to them. Last week I bought a couple at a local farm market and was so disappointed. It didn't smell or taste like a fresh tomato. I'm guessing the drought impacted their harvest and they bought hothouse ones. Their cucumbers were tasty however.

  8. I'm patiently waiting for some of my tomatoes to ripen.

  9. My cherry tomatoes are starting to ripen on the vine. I should be eating them later this week! I'm sure I've spent far more watering the darned things that buying them in the store, but I know they'll taste better.

    Lots of smoke here too. I've got a perpetual itchy throat, so staying indoors most of the day.

  10. Oooh, how I love freshly picked tomatoes, but I haven’t had one in years (freshly picked, that is) Thankfully, the smoke has cleared somewhat and it’s been pleasant. Keep wearing your protective mask and take naps when your body needs them.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about all that wildfire smoke, Connie. My goodness, I hope the fires end soon for you folks. Those tomatoes look absolutely luscious! I didn't grow any this year and I'm glad I didn't, as I'm sure they wouldn't have been very good with all this cool and sometimes downright COLD weather we've been having this summer. Take good care~ Andrea xoxoxo

  12. Looks like they will ripen all at once--LOL!
    This smoke is something. The fires have to be just horrible.
    Stay safe. :)

  13. I love your tomatoes. I have never seen a yellow one. Too bad about the smoke from the fires. It is awful.

  14. There is nothing like fresh tomatoes! Enjoy them as they ripen and if you get them all at once maybe you could make some salsa? We are even getting air quality warnings all the way down here in Missouri. You two take care!

  15. You have tomatoes of every size!! Our plants have also gone crazy this year and we've given up trying to attach them to the trellis so they flop. Too bad about your lettuce getting eaten by the chipmunk. He probably thought you'd planted it just for him.

  16. We had our first home grown tomato yesterday. They taste so good. More are coming on now and I bought fresh mozzarella cheese at the store today. Looking forward to Capizzi salad. The basil is ready in the garden.

  17. My volunteer yellows are not ripe yet but they have sure taken off. We have too many tomatoes. The neighbor lady north handed me a sack of four and I asked if I could give them to the neighbor south. They don't grow but get many tomatoes.

  18. Our tomatoes are doing the same thing. We have no tomatoes for a few days and then 10 tomatoes are ready at once. Luckily we love tomatoes and don't mind gobbling them up!

  19. Nice 'maters!! All our larger tomatoes are still green, both varieties. We are enjoying our cherry/currant tomatoes, especially Tank!

  20. Tim loves fresh grown tomatoes, as long as they taste good that is most important

  21. Your tomatoes look delicious....I hope they taste that way too. It looks like sooner or later you'll have a good crop of them! so sorry to hear the smoky air is still with you. Sounds like far guy is making some progress on your Christmas ornaments. I can't believe it's August already.

  22. I am waiting for tomatoes to ripen too... anxious for a tomato sandwich! So far we have had two ripe cherry tomatoes each day.

  23. I'm still waiting on tomatoes! In Kentucky! :-o

  24. Our tomatoes are a large mess over here also! All over ~ and why do the vines have to stink? :)

  25. Good idea wearing the mask and also going out at times when it's least smokey wherever possible. Hope the wildfires and smoke go away soon.


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